There was an old woman, she had seven sons. There were 6 earners while one was Nikkama. The old lady would cook the kitchen of the six sons, provide food and give whatever was left of her to the seventh. One day he said to his wife - Look at how much my mother loves me. She said - why not everyone's liar who feeds you. He said - this cannot happen. I can not believe until I see with my eyes. Daughter-in-law laughed and said- If you see then you will agree.
A few days later the festival arrived. Seven types of food and churme ladoos were made in the house. He slept in the kitchen with a thin robe on his head, pretending to hurt his head. He kept watching all through clothes. The six brothers came to eat. He saw, the mother served a beautiful posture for them, and kindly served them and set them up. He kept watching. When the six woke up with food, the mother made pieces of laddus from their false plates and made a laddu. Cleansing the old mother, the old mother called her - son, the six brothers have eaten, now you are left, when will you eat. He said - Mother, I do not want to eat food, I am going to abroad now. Mother said- If you go tomorrow then leave today. He said - yes I am going today only. Saying this, he left the house.
Wife remembered while walking. She was taming Kande (Upale) in Gaushala. After going there, he said - we will come to foreign countries for some time, you should live with contentment. She said, "Go and drank, remove our thoughts from joy, Ram, trust that God will help you." Seeing two signs, I am patient in Dharun, keep my mind in mind, my mind is serious. He said - I don't have anything, this is a ring to sleep on and give me some of your signs. She said - what do I have, this cow dung is full. Saying this, he dung the hand of cow dung on his back. He walked, reached the far country on the go.
There was a moneylender shop there. He went there and said - Brother, keep me on the job. The moneylender needed, he said - stay. The boy asked - what will you give? The moneylender said - after seeing work, you will get the price. The moneylender got the job, he started playing the job from 7 am to 10 am. In a few days, all the transactions of the shop, accounting, selling goods to customers started doing all the work. The moneylender had seven to eight servants, all of them started circling, it became very clever. Seth also saw work and within three months made him a share of half the profit. He became a famous Seth in a few years and the owner left the entire business on him.
Here, his wife-in-law's father-in-law started grieving, after doing all the household work and sending him to the forest to get wood. In the meantime, the bread of the husk which came out of the house flour was made and water was kept in the coconut coconut. One day she was going to get wood, on the way many women appeared to be fasting on Santoshi Mata.
She stood there and started listening to the story and asked - sisters, what god do you fast and what results do you get from doing it. If you explain to me the law of this fast, then I will consider you a great favor. Then one of those women said, listen, this is the fast of Santoshi Mata. By doing this, poverty, poverty are destroyed and whatever is desired in the mind, it is fulfilled by the grace of Santoshi mother. Then she asked him the method of fasting.
She said- take jaggery gram to come a quarter, if you want, take a quarter to five or bring one and a quarter rupees according to your convenience. Take as much as you can without hassle and devotion and love. Listening to the story every Friday without a break, the order is not broken between it, following the rules continuously, if no one is found listening, then light the lamp of Dhi in front of it or put the vessel in front of the water and tell the story. To follow the rules when the work is not proven and to undertake the fast when the work is proved. In three months, the mother completes the fruit. Even if some of the planets are lost, the mother proves work throughout the year, and should be upped if the fruit is not proved in between. In the diet, eating two and half flour of flour and making greens of kheer and gram in the same manner. To feed the eight boys, as far as meet the brother-in-law, brother-in-law, call relatives and neighbors if not found. Give them food like Shakti Dakshina and fulfill the law of mother. Do not eat at home that day. Hearing this, the daughter-in-law of the old boy walked away.
On the way, he sold the burden of wood and taking jaggery and gram from those money, went ahead preparing the mother's fast and looking at the temple in front started asking- whose temple is this. Everyone started saying that Santoshi is the temple of Mother, hearing this, she went to the temple of Mother and started rolling in feet. Deen started pleading - Mother I am very ignorant, do not know the rules of fasting, I am sad. O Mother, Mother, take away my sorrow, I am in your refuge. Mother had pity - One Friday, her husband's letter was received and the money sent to her on the third Friday. Seeing this, the brothers started shrinking. Boys started taunting - letters started coming to Kaki, money started coming, now it will increase for Kaki's sake. The poor thing would easily say - Brother, paper is good for all of us. After saying this, Santoshi came to the temple of Santoshi Mata with tears in her eyes and started crying after falling at the feet of Mateshwari. Mother, when have I asked you for money? What do I do with money? I work with my honey. I ask for the darshan of my master. Mother then delighted and said, "Daughter, your master will come." Hearing this, she went mad and started working at home. Now Santoshi's mother started thinking, I told this naive daughter that your husband will come but how? He does not even remember it in a dream. I have to go to remind him. In this way, the mother went to the son of the old lady and appeared in a dream and said - the moneylender's son, is sleeping or awake. He started saying - Mother does not even sleep, I do not even wake up, say what is the command? Mother started saying - Is there anything in your house? He said - I have everything, parents, daughter-in-law, what is missing. Mother said, your innocent daughter is suffering a lot, your parents are giving her trouble. She is longing for you, take care of her. He said - Yes mother, I know this, but how can I go? It is a matter of foreign country, there is no account of the transaction, there is no way to go, how to go? Mother started saying - listen to me, wash my bath in the morning and take the name of Santoshi Mata, lit a lamp of ghee and worshiped and sat down at the shop.
By the time the whole transaction will be cleared, the deposit will be sold, and by evening, there will be a lot of money. Now obeying the old man, he washed his bath and lit a lamp of obeisance to Santoshi Mata and went to the shop. In a while, the givers started bringing money, the takers started taking accounts. The buyers of the stuffed in the brothel began to bargain by paying cash. By evening, there was a lot of money. Taking the name of mother in mind, happy to see miracle, started buying jewel and cloth to take home. Dealing with work here immediately left for home.
On the other hand, his wife goes to the forest to take wood, resting at Mataji's temple while returning. She is the place where she stops every day, seeing the dust blowing, she asks her mother, O mother, how is this dust blowing? Mother says, O daughter, your husband is coming. Now you do this, make three loads of wood, one on the banks of the river and the other on my temple and the third on your head. Your husband will be enchanted to see a bundle of wood, he will stop here, eat breakfast and water, then you will go to meet the mother, then you go carrying the burden of wood and make a loud sound by putting a bundle in the square - Take the law, take the bundle of sticks, husk Give bread, give water to coconut consignment, who has come today? Saying very well to Mataji, he made three bundles of sticks with a happy heart. One placed on the banks of the river and one on the temple of Mataji.
In the meantime, the traveler arrived. Seeing dry wood, his desire arose that we should rest on it and make food and go to the village after eating and drinking. Similarly stopped and cooked food, rested and went to the village. Got the most love. At the same time, she comes rashly with a bundle of wood on her head. Putting a heavy load of wood in the courtyard, it makes three loud sounds - Take Sasuji, take a bundle of sticks, give bread of husk. Who is the guest today? Hearing this, his mother-in-law comes out and asks him to forget his sufferings - why does Bahu say so? Only your master has come. Come sit, eat sweet rice, eat food, put on clothes and ornaments. Her husband comes out after hearing her voice. Seeing the ring gets distraught. Mother asks- Who is this mother? Mother said- son, this is your daughter-in-law. Ever since you have gone, you have wandered all over the village. The housework does not do anything, it comes at four o'clock and eats. He said - OK mother, I saw it too and you too, now clap another house, I will stay in it. Mother said- well, as you wish. Then he opened the third floor room of the second house and collected all the goods. In one day it became like a palace of a king. What was left then? Began to enjoy a lot of happiness. Then Friday came.
He told the husband - I have to teach the fast of Santoshi Mata. Husband said - Do it happily. She started preparing for industry. Geethani's boys went to ask for food. He approved, but from behind, Geethani taught his children, See, asking for a meal during the meal, so that its teaching is not completed. The boys came to eat and ate kheer, but after eating it started saying - Cut us, we do not like to eat kheer, seeing that we are disinterested. She started saying - Brother Khatai will not be given to anyone. This is the offering of Santoshi Mata. The boys stood up and said, bring the money, the naive daughter did not know anything, gave them the money. The boys stubbornly started eating tamarind and eating it. Seeing this, Mataji was angry at the daughter-in-law. The king's messengers took her husband. Brother-in-law