Varuthini Ekadashi Vrat Katha

Varuthini Ekadashi:

Ekadashi date is considered very religious in Hinduism. Ekadashi falling on the Krishna Paksha of Baisakh month is called Varuthini Ekadashi. Lord Vishnu and his incarnation Krishna Lord are worshiped on Varuthini Ekadashi. According to mythological beliefs, a person observing Varuthini Ekadashi attains virtue and heaven and annihilates all sorrows. The fast story of Ekadashi is also glorified. Only by listening to this story can one attain virtue, let us read the fast story of Varuthini Ekadashi…

Varuthini Ekadashi Fast Story:

It is an ancient time when there was a kingdom of a king named Mandhata on the banks of river Narmada. The king was always interested in religious works. He was always absorbed in worship. Once the king was engaged in penance in the forest, then a wild bear came and chewed the king's leg. The king was not at all frightened by this incident and while chewing his leg, the bear dragged the king to the nearby forest. Then King Mandhata started praying to Lord Vishnu. Hearing the call of the king, Lord Vishnu appeared and killed the bear with the wheel.

The bear of the king had eaten the bear and he became very upset about this. Seeing the unhappy devotee, Lord Vishnu said- 'O Watts! Don't grieve You go to Mathura and worship my Varaha Avatar idol by observing the fast of Varuthini Ekadashi. With its effect, you will become strong limbs again. What this bear has bitten you, it was a crime of your past life. By obeying the Lord, the king went to Mathura and performed this fast respectfully. With this effect, he became beautiful and full bodied.

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