Rambha Tritiya Vrat

Rambha Tritiya Fast

Rambha Tritiya fast is observed on the third day of Shukla Paksha in Jyeshtha month. Apsara Rambha is worshiped on this day. It is also called Rambha Teej. According to Hindu belief, Rambha was one of the 14 gems originated from Sagar Manthan. It is said that Rambha was very beautiful. Many seekers receive hypnotic education by doing spiritual practice in the name of Ramba In Hinduism, married women observe the fast of Rambha Tritiya with great reverence.

Law of Rambha Tritiya fast:

On the day of Rambha Tritiya, married women worship Lakshmi with wheat, grains and flowers. On this day, to worship Goddess Lakshmi, she is worshiped with full legal practice. On this day, women also worship pairs of bangles. Which is considered to be the symbol of Apsara Rambha and Goddess Lakshmi. Goddess Sati is also worshiped on this day in many places.

The result of Rambha Tritiya Fast

According to Hindu Puranas, keeping this fast keeps women happy. Unmarried women also observe this fast by wishing for a good groom. The fast of Rambha Tritiya is considered to be fruitful.

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