Nyasa Dasakam

Ahaṁ madrakṣaṇabharō madrakṣaṇaphalaṁ tathā.
Na mama śrīpatērēvētyātmānaṁ nikṣipēd budha:..1..

N'yasyāmyakicana: Śrīmannukūlō̕n'yavarjita: .
Viśvāsaprārthanā pūrvamātmarakṣābharaṁ tvaya..2..

Svāmī svaśēṣaṁ svaśaṁ svabharatvēna samāpanam.
Svadattasvadhiyā svārtha svasminnasyati māṁ svayam..3..

Śrīmanbhīṣṭavarada tvāmasmi śaraṇāgata: .
Aitaddēhāvasanē māṁ tvatpādaṁ prapaya svayam..4..

Tvacchēṣvē sthirayaṁ tvaprāptyēkaprayōjanam.
Niṣid'dhakāmyarahitaṁ kuru māṁ nityakiṅkaram..5..

Dēvībhūṣaṇahētyādijuṣṭasya bhagavanstava.
Nityaṁ niparādhēṣu kaiṅkaryēṣu niyuṅgakṣmām..6..

Māṁ madīyaṁ ca nikhilaṁ cētanācētanātmakam.
Svaikanryōpakaraṇaṁ varada svīkuru svayam..7.

Tvamēva rakṣakō̕si mē tvamēva karuṇākara: .
Na pravartaya pāpāni pravr̥tta nivāraya..8..

Akratyānāṁ ca karaṇaṁ kr̥tyānāṁ varjanaṁ ca mē.
Sakṣamasva nikhilaṁ dēva praṇatārtihara prabhō..9.

Śrīmanniyatapan̄cāṅga madrakṣaṇabharārpaṇam.
Acikaratsvayaṁ svasmintō̕hamiha ādhāra:..10..

The Nyasa Dasakam is a collection of 10 verses dedicated to the act of Prapatti, a profound surrender to the divine. These verses are commonly recited in daily household worship. They were composed by Swami Desikan in devotion to Lord Varadaraja of Kancipuram, addressing the surrender and prayers from Swami Desikan to the Lord.

These verses are a model for Prapanna, those who seek divine refuge. Nyasa is a simple and effective system open to all. While the concept of Prapathi has been conveyed by the Alvars and Acharyas, Swami Sri Desikan's Nyasa Dasakam is a condensed and essential work on the principles of Nyasa and the process of Prapatti. Sri Vaishnavas often recite Nyasa Dasakam during their daily worship to Sriman Narayan.

Through Nyasa, the devotee completely surrenders responsibility for their protection to the Lord, dedicating the rest of their life to serving Him. This devotion allows them to experience the joy of Sri Vaikuntha even in this world. At the end of their earthly journey, the Lord ensures that the devoted soul, who has entrusted themselves to His care and protection, attains union with Him in Sri Vaikuntha and escapes the cycle of samsara.

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