
What Happened this Day in India History Events.

1946 The first meeting of the Constituent Assembly that made the country's highest law was on this day.
1946 UPA Chairperson Sonia Gandhi was born.
1971 During the Liberation War, the Indian Army had pierced the air campaign Meghna Heli Bridge.
1484 The great poet and saint Surdas was born.
1758 The thirteen-month-long war of Madras began in India. This was the most dangerous war between Britain and France in India.
1898 Belur Math was established in Kolkata.
2001 United National Party leader Ranil Vikram Singhe was sworn in as the Prime Minister of Sri Lanka.
1825 Rao Tula Ram, a prominent hero of the Sepoy Mutiny was born.
1913 India's first female photo journalist Homi Vyarawala was born.

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