Pausha Putrada Ekadashi 2025

Important information

  • Pausha Putrada Ekadashi 2025
  • Wednesday, 31 December 2025
  • Ekadashi Date Start : 30 December 2025 at 07:51 am
  • Ekadashi Date End : 31 December 2025 at 05:01 am

Paush Putrada Ekadashi is an important day in Hinduism, it is considered a holy day in Hinduism. This fast is kept on Ekadashi of Shukla Paksha of Paush month. This day is completely dedicated to Lord Vishnu and there is a law to worship Lord Vishnu on this day. Putrada Ekadashi is known only by the name - "Ekadashi which is the giver of sons". This Ekadashi falls in the months of December- January of the year. Putrada Ekadashi comes twice in a year called Shravan Putrada Ekadashi which falls in the month of July-August and second is Paush Putrada Ekadashi which falls in the month of December-January. This Paush Putrada Ekadashi is more popular in North India, while other states give more importance to Shravan.

This day is especially celebrated by Vaishnavas, the followers of Vishnu. In Hindu society the son is considered to be absolutely important as he takes care of the parents in his old age and performs Shradh after death. While each Ekadashi is set for certain goals, the goal of having a son is so great that two Putradas are dedicated to Ekadashi.

Fasting Method

Women who wish to have a son observe a fast on Putrada Ekadashi and pray to Vishnu. Husband and wife also worship Lord Vishnu for the well being of their children. Cereals, beans, cereals and some vegetables and spices are avoided on this day. In this fast, fasting is kept for the whole day. Shyam should worship Lord Vishnu and read the story.

Katha (Story)

The Bhavishya Purana reveals the story of Putrada Ekadashi as told by Lord Krishna to King Yudhishthira. Once, the king of Bhadravati, Suketuman and his queen Shaivya were very sad about not having a child. Both were worried that after their death, their souls would not get peace without performing Shradh.

Frustrated, the king and queen left their kingdom and went into the forest, unknown to everyone. After wandering in the forest for several days, Suketuman reached the ashram of some sages on the banks of Lake Mansarovar on Putrada Ekadashi. The sages revealed that they are the ten divine Vishwadevs. He advised the king and queen to observe a fast on Putrada Ekadashi to get a son. The king and queen obeyed and returned to the kingdom. Soon, the king was blessed with a son, who grew up to become a brave king.

Read information about other Ekadashi fasts

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