Tulsi or Vrinda plant is a sacred plant in Hindu belief. Hindu family worships it as Goddess Tulsi. The Tulsi plant is the identity of the Hindu family and also shows its religiosity and sattvic spirit. In Hinduism, Tulsi is worshiped as the wife of Lord Vishnu. Offering of its leaves is mandatory in worship of Vishnu and his avatars like Krishna and Vithoba.
Hindu women worship Tulsi with their wishes and good luck. The festival of Tulsi marriage is also celebrated every year. According to the incident described in the Ramayana story, when Ram envoy Hanuman ji went to Lanka to find Sita Mata, he saw a Tulsi plant in the courtyard of a house there. Which was the house of Vibhishan, it means that the practice of Tulsi Pujan has been going on since ancient times.
In Shrimad Bhagwatam, the importance of Tulsi on other plants is described:
Although flowering plants like the mandāra, kunda, kurabaka, utpala, campaka, arṇa, punnāga, nāgakeśara, bakula, lily and pārijāta are full of transcendental fragrance, they are still conscious of the austerities performed by tulasī, for tulasī is given special preference by the Lord, who garlands Himself with tulasī leaves
- Srimad Bhagavatam, verse 4, chapter 15, verse 19.
Tulsi leaves contain amazing power to prevent infectious diseases. Tulsi is a divine medicine plant. Boiling its leaves provides instant relief from cold, cold, cough and malaria. Tulsi is also helpful in curing terrible diseases like cancer. It is worshiped due to its many medicinal properties.