Bhagavad Gita Chapter 2, Shlok 30

dehī nityam avadhyo ’yaṁ dehe sarvasya bhārata
tasmāt sarvāṇi bhūtāni na tvaṁ śhochitum arhasi

 O Arjun, the soul that dwells within the body is immortal; therefore, you should not mourn for anyone.

Word by Word Meaning:

dehī - the soul that dwells within the body
nityam - always
avadhyaḥ - immortal
ayam - this soul
dehe - in the body
sarvasya - of everyone
bhārata - descendant of Bharat, Arjun
tasmāt - therefore
sarvāṇi - for all
bhūtāni - living entities
na - not
tvam - you
śhochitum - mourn
arhasi - should


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