Bhagavad Gita Chapter 6, Verse 30

This verse is from the Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 6, Verse 30. It is written in Sanskrit and translates to English as follows:

yo māṁ paśhyati sarvatra sarvaṁ cha mayi paśhyati
tasyāhaṁ na praṇaśhyāmi sa cha me na praṇaśhyati​ || 30 ||

English translation:

"The person who sees me (God) everywhere and everything in me, I am never invisible to him, and he is never invisible to me."

In this verse Lord Krishna says that the person in whose vision the existence of God is everywhere and who sees that all beings and things are situated in the Supersoul, for him God is always visible. Such a person always experiences the presence of God and God also never leaves him. This position signifies the unbroken and impenetrable closeness between the devotee and God.

Sanskrit word Meaning in English:

yo — one who (person)
ma — me (God)
pasyati — sees
sarvatra — everywhere, everywhere
sarvam — everything
cha — and
mayi — in me (God)
pasyati — sees
tasya — of that person
aham — I
na — not
pranashyami — become invisible, vanish
sa — that
cha — and
me — to me
na — not
pranashyati — become invisible, vanish

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