Govatsa Dwadashi 2025

Important information

  • Govatsa Dwadashi 2025
  • Saturday, 18 October 2025
  • Dwadashi Tithi starts : 17 October 2025 at 11:12 am
  • Dwadashi Tithi ends : 18 October 2025 at 12:18 pm

Govatsa Dwadashi, the Dwadashi of Krishna Paksha of Kartik month is celebrated as Govatsa (calf of cow). Govatsa Dwadashi is also celebrated as Nandini Vrat. Nandini is the divine cow in Hinduism. There is a law to worship the cow calf on this day. After worshiping, they should be given food made from wheat to eat. The use of cow's milk and wheat products is prohibited on this day. Cut fruits should not be consumed. Hearing the story of Govats, Brahmins should give fruits.

Why Govatsa Dwadashi holds importance?:

  1. Reverence for Cows: Cows are revered in Hinduism as symbols of divine and natural goodness. They are often associated with several deities, particularly Lord Krishna. The festival serves as an occasion to express gratitude for the milk, a vital source of nourishment provided by cows, and their role in supporting human life.
  2. Role in Agriculture: In rural India, cows play an essential role in agriculture. They are used for plowing fields, and their dung is a valuable source of organic fertilizer. This festival acknowledges the contribution of cows to the farming community.
  3. Harmony with Nature: The festival promotes the idea of living in harmony with nature and all its creatures. It encourages people to respect and protect animals and the environment.
  4. Nandini Vrat: Govatsa Dwadashi is also known as Nandini Vrat. It is observed in reverence to Nandini, the divine cow, and Nandi, the sacred bull. Both Nandini and Nandi have a special place in Shaivite tradition, and this festival holds religious significance for Shaivite devotees.
  5. Feeding Cows: On Govatsa Dwadashi, people feed cows and their calves with special food, typically made from wheat and jaggery. This act is considered auspicious and is believed to bring blessings and prosperity to the households.
  6. A Day of Gratitude: Govatsa Dwadashi is a day of expressing gratitude, not just to cows but also to nature for its abundance. It encourages people to recognize the importance of nurturing and preserving all life forms.
  7. Religious Observance: Devotees observe this day by visiting cow shelters, offering prayers, and feeding cows and calves. They may also perform rituals and seek the blessings of these gentle creatures.

Govatsa Dwadashi Katha

For a long time there was the kingdom of Devdani king in Suvarnapur city. The king had two queens Sita and Geeta. The king kept a buffalo and a cow calf. Sita took care of the buffalo and Geeta took care of the cow calf. Geeta loved the calf like a son.

One day the buffalo chuckled that Geeta Rani is jealous of me. Hearing this, Sita killed the calf of the cow and hid it in a heap of wheat.

When the king sat down to eat, it started raining blood and flesh all around the palace. There was feces and urine in the plate of food. King did not understand anything. Then there was an Akashvani that O Rajan! Your queen Sita has killed a cow's calf and hid it in a heap of wheat. Tomorrow is Govats Dwadashi. You worship the cows by taking the buffalo out of the kingdom. By your penance the calf will be alive. The king did the same. As soon as the king remembered the calf with his heart, the calf came out of the heap of wheat. The king was pleased to see this. From that time, the king ordered in his kingdom that all the people observe the fast of Govatsa Dwadashi.

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