Kokila sister and her husband Maheshbhai lived in the city, both had a love for each other, but Maheshbhai's nature was quarrelsome. , Had faith in God and endured everything without saying anything, gradually her husband's business-employment was stalled, nothing was earned, Maheshbhai now lived at home all day and now he Honne caught on the wrong path now even more sullen than his nature before It was midday, an old Maharaj stood up at the door and his face was amazing and he asked for Dal-rice. The Kokila sister gave Dal-rice and greeted the old Baba with both hands, the old man said Happy Kokila sister said Maharaj happiness is not worth it and described his sad life
Maharaj told about the fast of Shri Sai on 9 thursday (fruithar) or to have a meal, if possible, go to the son Sai temple, worship Sai Baba 9 thursday at home, fasting Sai and use the method of feeding the hungry. Dena, Sayings of Sai Vrat 5, 11, 21 Paying people as much as possible and thus spreading Sai Vrataka Saibaba fulfills all your wishes, but it is important to have unwavering reverence on Saibaba. Nee who should fast and practice the above method, Saibaba will definitely fulfill his wish
Kokila Sister also took a fast on Thursday and gave food to the poor on Thursday, got the books of Saivrat, away from their house, there was a lot of peace in the house, as if Maheshbhai's nature had changed, his business-employment again Started, happiness increased in a short time, both husband and wife started living a happy life. One day Kokila's sister's daughter, Jethani, came from Surat to talk that she had read her children. Do not have failed the exam Kokila sister told the glory of 9 thursday Sai Baba's devotion will enable children to practice well, but for this it is necessary to have faith in Sai Baba, Sai helps everyone, his daughter-in-law tells the method of fasting Said Kokila sister said that this fast can be done on 9 thursday or by having a meal and if it is possible till 9 th Thursday then to see Sai temple A asked to go and it's called
This fast can be done by any woman, man or child 9 Worship Sai photo on Thursday
Told the method of offering flowers, lamps, incense sticks etc. offering offerings and remembering Sai Baba
To observe Sai Vrat Katha, Sai remembrance, Sai Chalisa etc.
Giving food to the poor on the 9th Thursday
9 th Thursday this Sai Vrat book to visit your relatives, adosi-neighbors
In a few days a letter came from Surat to his daughter-in-law that his children Sai was fasting and studying very well. They too had fasted and the books of the fast were given in the office of the Jeth. He wrote that his friend's daughter Fasting wedding Sai became a very good place, his neighbor's jewelery box got burnt, he kept back the jewelery box after months, which is such a wonderful miracle. He came