Bagla Hirday Stotra

Idānīṁ khalu mē dēva. Bagalā-hr̥dayaṁ prabhō.
Kathayasva mahā-dēva. Yadyahaṁ tava vallabhā..1..

Śrīēśvarō vācā

sādhu sādhu mahā-prājñē.Sarva-tantrārtha-sādhikē.
Brahmāstra-dēvatāśca, hr̥dayaṁ vacami tattvataḥ..2.


Gambhīram ca madōnmattama, svarṇa-kānti-samā-prabham.
Caturbhujāṁ tri-nayanāṁ, kamalāsana-sansthitam..1..

Ūrdhva-kēśa-jaṭā-jūṭāṁ, karāla-vadanāmbujām.
Mudgaraṁ dakṣiṇē cāṅgalē, pāśaṁ vāmēna dhāriṇīm..2.

Ripōrjihvāṁ triśūlaṁ ca, pīta-gandhānulēpanām.
Pītāmbara-dharāṁ sāndra-dr̥ṛha-pīna-payōdharāma..3.

Hēma-kuṇḍala-bhūṣāṁ ca, pīta-candradha-śēkharam.
Pīta-bhūṣaṇa-bhūṣāḍhyāṁ, svarṇa-sinhāsanē sthitam..4.

Svāndānu-mayī dēvī, sipu-stambhana-kāriṇī.
Madanasya ratēścāpi, prīti-stambhana-kāriṇī..5.

Mahā-vidyā mahā-māyā, mahā-mēdhā mahā-śivā.
Mahā-mōhā mahā-sūkṣmā, sādhakasya vara-pradā..6.

Rājasī sāttvikī satyā, tāmasī taijasī smr̥tā.
Tasyāḥ smaraṇa-mātrēṇa, trailōkyaṁ stambhayēt kṣaṇāt..7.

Gaṇēśō vaṭakuścaiva, yōgin'yaḥ kṣētra-pālakaḥ.
Guravaśca guṇāstistrō, bagalā stambhinī tathā.8.

Jr̥mbhinī mōdinī cāmbā, bālikā bhūdharā tathā.
Kaluṣā karuṇā dhātrī, kāla-karśiṇikā parā..9.

Bhrāmarī manda-gamanā, bhagasthā caiva bhāsikā.
Brāhmī māhēśvarī caiva, kaumārī vaiṣṇavī ramā..10.

Vārāhī ca tathēndrāṇī, cāmuṇḍā bhairavāṣṭakam.
Subhagā prathama prōktā, dvitīyā bhaga-mālinī..11..

Bhaga-vāhā tr̥tīyā tu, bhaga-sid'dhā̕bdhi-madhyagā.
Bhagasya pātinī nantar, bhaga-mālinī ṣaṣṭhikā..12..

Uḍḍiyāna-pīṭha-nilyā, jālandhara-pīṭha-sansthā.
Kāma-rupaṁ tathā sansthā, dēvī-trityamēva ca.13.

Sid'dhaughā mānavaughāśca, divyaughā guravaḥ kramāta.
Krōdhinī jr̥mbhinī caiva, dēvyāścōbhaya pārśvayōḥ..14..

Pūjyāstripura-nāthaśca, yōni-mēṁ̕mbikā-yutaḥ.
Stambhinī yā maha-vidyā, satyaṁ satyaṁ varānē.15.


ēṣā sā vaiṣṇavī māyā, vidyāṁ yaṭana gōpayēt.
Brahmāstra-dēvatāśca, hr̥dayaṁ pari-kīrtitam..1.

Brahmāstraṁ triśu lōkēṣu, duṣprāpyaṁ tridaśairapi.
Gōpanīyaṁ pratyanēna, na dēyaṁ isya kasyacit..2.

Guru-bhaktāya dātavyaṁ, vatsaraṁ duḥkhitāya vai.
Mātu-pitr̥-ratō yastu, sarva-jñāna-parāyaṇaḥ..3.

Tasmai dēyamidaṁ dēvī! Bagalā-hr̥dayaṁ param.
Sarvārtha-sādhakaṁ divyaṁ, paṭhanād bhōga-mōkṣadam..4.

The Bagla Hirday mantra is the essence of deity worship, and by chanting it, the connection with the deity strengthens, often leading to divine visions. It is recommended to initiate the chanting of this mantra under the guidance of your guru. New seekers should stick to reciting the heart hymns.

This worship has the potential to mitigate the adverse influences of celestial bodies. It can help in overcoming obstacles, resolving conflicts, succeeding in competitions and exams, gaining favor in official matters, healing incurable diseases, averting sudden disasters, and alleviating planetary afflictions. The worship of Goddess Bagalamukhi, whether through instruments, mantras, or rituals, can produce miraculous effects.

The heart hymn is dedicated to Bhagawati Bagalamukhi and is meant to establish a deep connection with her divine presence. While dwelling within her heart might remain a dream, the offering of devotion paves the way for spiritual progress and salvation.

Bagla Hirday Stotra is considered the heart of the Mother and bestows upon its followers the blessings they seek in this world. It is associated with Devi Bagalamukhi/Pitambara and aims to foster a closer connection with Mother Bagalamukhi.

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