Hanuman Mangalashtakam

The Hanuman Mangalashtakam is a revered Sanskrit hymn of eight verses that pays homage to Lord Hanuman, the beloved deity known for his immense strength, devotion to Lord Rama, and his ability to overcome obstacles. This short but powerful composition expresses gratitude for Hanuman's auspicious blessings, seeking his protection, courage, and guidance in life's challenges. Devotees recite the Hanuman Mangalashtakam to invoke Hanuman's divine grace, inspire inner strength, and experience his benevolence. The hymn's simplicity and devotional fervor make it a popular choice for seeking Hanuman's divine intervention in various aspects of life.

vaiśākhe māsi kṛṣṇāyāṃ daśamyāṃ mandavāsare.
pūrvābhādraprabhūtāya maṅgalaṃ śrīhanūmate .. 1 ..

karuṇārasapūrṇāya phalāpūpapriyāya ca .
māṇikyahārakaṇṭhāya maṅgalaṃ śrīhanūmate .. 2 ..

suvarcalākalatrāya caturbhujadharāya ca .
uṣṭrārūḍhāya vīrāya maṅgalaṃ śrīhanūmate .. 3 ..

divyamaṅgaladehāya pītāmbaradharāya ca .
taptakāñcanavarṇāya maṅgalaṃ śrīhanūmate .. 4 ..

bhaktarakṣaṇaśīlāya jānakīśokahāriṇe .
jvalatpāvakanetrāya maṅgalaṃ śrīhanūmate .. 5 ..

pampātīravihārāya saumitriprāṇadāyine .
sṛṣṭikāraṇabhūtāya maṅgalaṃ śrīhanūmate .. 6 ..

rambhāvanavihārāya gandhamādanavāsine .
sarvalokaikanāthāya maṅgalaṃ śrīhanūmate .. 7 ..

pañcānanāya bhīmāya kālanemiharāya ca .
kauṇḍinyagotrajātāya maṅgalaṃ śrīhanūmate .. 8 ..

iti śrī hanumān maṅgalāṣṭakam ..

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EN हिं