Guruvar Vrat Katha

Thursday Fast Story:

It is a matter of ancient times. There used to be a big businessman in a city. He used to ship goods in ships and send them to other countries. Just as he earned more money, he used to donate freely, but his wife was very stingy. She would not even let anyone pay a dime.

Once when Seth went to other countries to do business, from behind, Brihaspati Dev asked for begging from his wife in disguise. Sadhu Maharaj, I have been fed up with this charity and virtue, O businessman's wife, Brihaspitudeva. You can suggest some solution that will destroy all my money and I can live comfortably. I cannot see this money plundered.
Brihaspati Dev said, O Goddess, you are very strange, someone is unhappy with children and money. If there is more money, then use it in auspicious works, marry virgins, build schools and gardens. By doing such a pious work, your public opinion can be meaningful, but these things of the monk did not make the businessman's wife happy. He said - I do not need such money, which I donate.

Then Jupiterdev said, "If you have such a desire, then you have to take a remedy. Wrap the house on seven Thursday with cow dung, wash your hair with yellow soil, take a bath while washing the hair, ask the merchant to shave, meat in the food. Food, washing your clothes. Doing so will destroy all your wealth. By saying this, Brihaspati Dev became angry.
The businessman's wife decided to do the same on Thursday, as told by Brihaspati Dev. Only three were passed on Thursday that all the wealth was destroyed and it went to the hereafter. When the merchant returned, he saw that everything had been destroyed. The businessman consoled his daughter and settled in another city. There he would cut wood from the forest and sell it in the city. In this way he began to spend his life.

One day his daughter expressed a desire to eat curd but the businessman did not have the money to buy curd. He went to cut wood in the forest, assuring his daughter. Sitting under a tree there, weeping considering his former condition, wept. That day was Thursday. Just then, Brihaspatudeva came to Seth as a monk and said, "O man, in what concern are you sitting in this forest?"
Then the merchant said, "O Maharaj, you know everything." The businessman wept after telling his story. Jupiterdev said, "Look son, your wife had insulted Brihaspati Dev for this reason, but now you are not worried about any kind. Now you should recite Jupiter Dev on Thursday. Water with two grams of gram and jaggery. Put sugar in the lotus and distribute the nectar and prasad among your family members and storytellers. Take prasad and charanamrit itself. God bless you Nge. "
Listening to the monk, the businessman said, "Maharaj. There is not much left of me to bring yogurt to my daughter." On this, the monk said, "You go to sell wood in the city, you will get four times the price of wood, which will prove all your work."

The woodcutter cut the wood and proceeded to sell it in the city. Her wood was sold at a good price, so she took curd for her daughter and took gram, jaggery for Thursday's story and distributed prasad and ate it herself. From the same day all his difficulties started to go away, but on the next Thursday he forgot to do the story.

The next day the king organized a big yajna and hosted a feast for the people of the entire city. The whole city went to the king's palace as per the king's orders. But the merchant and his daughter arrived a little late, so the king took them both to the palace and made them eat. When both of them returned, the queen saw that her necklace hanging on the peg was missing. The queen suspects the businessman and her daughter that both of them have stolen her necklace. Both of them were imprisoned in the prison cell by the king's orders. Both were very unhappy while in captivity. There he remembered the deity of Jupiter. Brihaspati Dev appeared to the merchant and realized his mistake and advised him that you will get two paise at the prison door on Thursday and ask him to worship Chana and Munkka and worship the Jupiter deity lawfully. All your sorrows will go away.
On Thursday, they received two money at the prison entrance. A woman was going on the street outside. The merchant called him and asked him to bring jaggery and gram. The woman said, "I am going to get jewelry for my daughter-in-law, I don't have time." Having said this, she left. After some time another woman came out from there, the businessman called her and said, "O sister, I have to narrate Thursday." You bring me two grams of jaggery and gram.

Hearing the name of Brihaspatiu, the woman said "Brother, I just give you jaggery and gram. My only son is dead, I was going to take shroud for him but I will work for you first, then I will bring shroud for my son." . "
The woman brought jaggery and gram to the merchant from the market and also heard the story of Brihaspati Dev himself. At the end of the story, the woman went to her house with a shroud. People at home were preparing to take her son's corpse to the crematorium saying "Ram Naam Satya Hai". The woman said, "Let me see the face of my boy." Seeing the face of her son, the woman put prasadam and charanamrit in her mouth. He was revived with the influence of Prasad and Charanamrit.

The first woman who disrespected Brihaspatiu, when she returned with a jewel for her son's marriage to her daughter-in-law, and as soon as her son came out on the mare, the mare jumped so that he fell from the mare and died. Seeing this, the woman started crying and apologizing to Jupiter Dev.

With the plea of ​​the woman, Brihaspatudeva came there in disguise and started saying "Devi. You don't need to mourn more. This has happened due to the crippling of Brihaspati Dev. You go back and listen to the story by apologizing to my devotee, then only your wish. Will be complete. "

After going to jail, the woman apologized to the businessman and heard the story. After the story, she went back to her house with Prasad and Charanamrit. On coming home, he put Charanamrit in the face of his dead son. His son also came alive due to the influence of Charanamrita. The same night, Brihaspatudeva came in the dream of the king and said, "O Rajan. The merchant and his daughter who is imprisoned in the jail is absolutely innocent. Your queen's necklace hangs on the peg there."

When the day came, King Rani saw the necklace hanging on the peg. The king released the merchant and his daughter and gave them half the kingdom and got his daughter married in a high clan and gave diamonds and jewels in dowry.

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