Shiva Sadhna is an ancient practice that helps calm the mind, reduce stress and experience inner peace. It is a state in which we are aware of our thoughts and feelings, but are not attached to them.
Before sitting down to meditate, it is important to empty your mind and brain of thoughts. Choose a quiet and comfortable place where no one will disturb you. Close your eyes and breathe deeply. Slowly relax your body and calm your mind.
As you empty your mind, feelings of the divine begin to descend inside you. You may experience peace, joy and love. Over time, you will also begin to empty yourself of other thoughts and stresses.
Meditation is often described as a type of sleep, in which you remain conscious, but your upper mind goes to sleep. Your subconscious mind awakens, allowing you to access your inner wisdom and intuition.
When you lie down to sleep, you empty your mind and thoughts become void. Then, sleep comes and dreams start coming. Dreams come because when the superconscious mind goes to sleep, all the powers of the mind are lost.
The meditator goes even further, where the mind connects with the soul.
Scientists believe that dreams occur when the soul connects with the memory of the mind. Whatever memories are recorded inside the mind, they then get related to the soul. As soon as it connects with the mind, dreams start appearing.
Thus, going beyond dreams and memories, the soul enters the subtle nadis at that time. But at the same time, we come from the dream state to deep sleep. This sequence repeats again and again. This sequence happens at the beginning of meditation. As soon as one goes deep into meditation, yoga nidra and tanamayta come.
But this state does not last long, we come back again, get connected to the dream. Immediately a new gust takes us deeper again. To go beyond these dreams, the seeker needs Shivalok. Lord Shiva is the destroyer of dreams.
Shiva Element is a protective circle, Brahma Chakra, Shakti Chakra which protects the seeker in every way. All the wishes of the devotee are fulfilled by Shiva Sadhana. This world is the form of Shiva Shakti. Shiva is called Adi Guru. Therefore, in the meditation of Shiva, Guru's grace is automatically received. Meditation of Guru is the meditation of Shiva.
If there is any supreme element, supreme state, supreme light and God in Bodhi, then it is Shiva only. Who is beyond the three states of awakening, dream and deep sleep.
The process of Shiva meditation is simple but extremely effective. Before sitting in meditation, it is necessary to free the mind and brain from thoughts. When the mind reaches a completely void state, then the Shiva element starts to be felt.
Meditation is a powerful tool that can help us calm our mind, relax our body, and connect with our soul. It is a practice that is accessible to everyone, regardless of their age or level of experience. With a regular meditation practice, you can bring positive changes to your life.