108 names of Shri Radha Rani

The 108 names of Goddess Radha are a compilation of divine epithets and attributes that honor her as the beloved consort of Lord Krishna. Each name holds special significance and represents various aspects of her divine personality. These names are recited by devotees as a form of devotion and worship. They emphasize her role as the embodiment of divine love, devotion, and purity, making her a central figure in Hindu spirituality. These names are often chanted during Radha Jayanti and other Krishna-related festivals to seek her blessings and connect with her loving and compassionate energy.

108 names of Goddess Radha along with their meanings:

  1. Radha - The Supreme Goddess of Devotion
  2. Vrindavaneshwari - The Queen of Vrindavan
  3. Gopika - Beloved Cowherd Girl
  4. Krishna Priya - Beloved of Lord Krishna
  5. Muktika - The One Who Grants Liberation
  6. Goloka Vrinda - The Leader of Goloka (Krishna's Abode)
  7. Radhika - Adored One
  8. Vrishabhanuja - Daughter of King Vrishabhanu
  9. Brajeshwari - Queen of Braj
  10. Gopeshwari - Queen of the Gopas (Cowherd Boys)
  11. Radheshwari - Goddess of Radha
  12. Gopika Priya - Beloved Gopika
  13. Shyama - Dark-Complexioned Beauty
  14. Premalata - The Creeper of Divine Love
  15. Govinda Anandini - Delighter of Lord Govinda
  16. Vrindavana Sundari - Beauty of Vrindavan
  17. Nandini - Daughter of Nanda (Krishna's Father)
  18. Govinda Kanta - Lover of Lord Govinda
  19. Mridula - Gentle and Compassionate
  20. Gopishwara - Queen of the Gopis (Cowherd Girls)
  21. Vrishabhanu Tanaya - Daughter of King Vrishabhanu
  22. Yashoda Nandini - Daughter of Mother Yashoda
  23. Vrajeshwari - Goddess of Vraja (Krishna's Abode)
  24. Raseshwari - Queen of Divine Love
  25. Yugalapriya - Lover of the Divine Couple (Radha-Krishna)
  26. Kishori - Youthful Maiden
  27. Rati Priya - Beloved of Amorous Desires
  28. Vrindavaneswari - Ruler of Vrindavan
  29. Priya Sakhi - Beloved Friend
  30. Vrinda Priya - Beloved of the Divine Tulsi Plant
  31. Hladini - The Source of Bliss
  32. Rasa Mandala - The Center of Divine Love
  33. Govinda Kanta - Lover of Lord Govinda
  34. Vrindavana Ishwari - The Goddess of Vrindavan
  35. Raseshwari - Queen of Divine Love
  36. Madana Mohini - Enchanter of the God of Love (Kama)
  37. Keli Kuhukshi - Yearning for Playful Pastimes
  38. Radhika Priya - Beloved of Radha
  39. Brajendra Nandini - Daughter of the King of Braj (Krishna's Land)
  40. Vrindavana Shobha - Beauty of Vrindavan
  41. Premasakhi - Friend of Divine Love
  42. Vishakha Priya - Beloved of Vishakha (a Gopi Friend)
  43. Nanda Nandini - Daughter of Nanda (Krishna's Father)
  44. Nitya Parakrama - Eternally Valiant
  45. Radha Vallabha - The Beloved of Radha
  46. Shyama Priya - Beloved Dark One (Krishna)
  47. Raseshwari - Queen of Divine Love
  48. Vrishabhanuja Tanaya - Daughter of King Vrishabhanu
  49. Gokuladhipika - The Illuminator of Gokula
  50. Vrindavana Suta - Daughter of Vrindavan
  51. Gopi Jananandini - The Joy of Gopi's Hearts
  52. Radha Venu Nadini - The Melody of Radha's Flute
  53. Murali Manohara - The Enchanter of Lord Krishna's Flute
  54. Yugalapriya - Lover of the Divine Couple (Radha-Krishna)
  55. Radhika Vallabha - The Beloved of Radhika
  56. Premamaya - Embodiment of Divine Love
  57. Radha Sundari - The Beautiful Radha
  58. Vrindavaneshwari - The Queen of Vrindavan
  59. Madhurika - The Sweet One
  60. Gopavallabha - Beloved of the Cowherds
  61. Vrinda Keli Kala - The Art of Vrindavan's Play
  62. Radha Venu Nadini - The Melody of Radha's Flute
  63. Madhava Priya - Beloved of Lord Madhava (Krishna)
  64. Vrindavana Suta - Daughter of Vrindavan
  65. Rasa Manohara - The Enchanter of Divine Love
  66. Krishna Kanta - Lover of Lord Krishna
  67. Radha Piyusha Varsini - Bestower of the Nectar of Radha's Love
  68. Radha Priya - Beloved of Radha
  69. Shyama Sundari - Beautiful Dark-Complexioned Maiden
  70. Keli Kuhukshi - Yearning for Playful Pastimes
  71. Radha Bhava - The Essence of Radha
  72. Vrindavana Ishwari - The Goddess of Vrindavan
  73. Radha Varadaya - The Bestower of Radha's Blessings
  74. Rasa Tarangini - The Stream of Divine Love
  75. Gopika Priya - Beloved of the Gopikas
  76. Radha Venu Nadini - The Melody of Radha's Flute
  77. Shyama Priya - Beloved Dark One (Krishna)
  78. Gokulapriya - Beloved of Gokula
  79. Nitya Parakrama - Eternally Valiant
  80. Radha Vallabha - The Beloved of Radha
  81. Premalata - The Creeper of Divine Love
  82. Radhika Priya - Beloved of Radha
  83. Gopika Priya - Beloved Gopika
  84. Vrishabhanuja Tanaya - Daughter of King Vrishabhanu
  85. Krishna Priya - Beloved of Lord Krishna
  86. Radha Krishna Sampanna - United with Lord Krishna
  87. Radha Kanta - Lover of Radha
  88. Murali Manohara - The Enchanter of Lord Krishna's Flute
  89. Vrindavana Suta - Daughter of Vrindavan
  90. Rasa Manohara - The Enchanter of Divine Love
  91. Govinda Kanta - Lover of Lord Govinda
  92. Vrindavaneswari - Ruler of Vrindavan
  93. Madana Mohini - Enchanter of the God of Love (Kama)
  94. Keli Kuhukshi - Yearning for Playful Pastimes
  95. Radha Vallabha - The Beloved of Radha
  96. Vrindavana Sundari - Beauty of Vrindavan
  97. Priya Sakhi - Beloved Friend
  98. Vishakha Priya - Beloved of Vishakha (a Gopi Friend)
  99. Nanda Nandini - Daughter of Nanda (Krishna's Father)
  100. Vrinda Priya - Beloved of the Divine Tulsi Plant
  101. Hladini - The Source of Bliss
  102. Radha Vallabha - The Beloved of Radha
  103. Madan Mohini - Enchanter of the God of Love (Kama)
  104. Keli Kuhukshi - Yearning for Playful Pastimes
  105. Radhika Priya - Beloved of Radha
  106. Brajendra Nandini - Daughter of the King of Braj (Krishna's Land)
  107. Vrindavana Shobha - Beauty of Vrindavan
  108. Premasakhi - Friend of Divine Love

These names reflect the deep love, devotion, and divine qualities associated with Goddess Radha in Hindu tradition.

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