This fast is observed on Ashtami as soon as Karthik starts. The war which happens to have Diwali also falls on the same war. This fast is performed only by women who have children.
Cleaning etc. Gau Mata said who is serving me these days. I will see you today. Gau Mata woke up very early, seeing what the daughter-in-law of a moneylender's son was a moneylender who had seven sons, seven daughters-in-law and one daughter. Karthik Badi Ashtami's daughter-in-law was digging mud in the forest with her only sister before Diwali. . He was the den of Sihu (Sei). While digging mud, Seed's baby died from Nand's hand. Mother mother said that I will bind your womb. Then the sister-in-law said to her seven sisters that she refused to accept the womb instead of me, but the younger sister-in-law thought that if I would not get the womb tied, Sasu would be angry considering that the younger sister-in-law tied her womb in exchange for the sister-in-law. After this, the boy who was with him would die seven times. One day he called Pandat and asked why my child dies on the seventh day? Then the Pandit said that you worship the Surhi cow, the Surhi cow is the brother of Syahu mother, your womb will live then my child. Since then, she has been up a lot in the morning and is quietly cleaning her under a surhi cow. Cow mother said to her, I am happy with your service. Ask for whatever you want. Then Sahukar's daughter-in-law said that Syu Mata is your brother and she has tied my womb, so get my womb exposed. Gau Mata said, well, now Gau Mata took her across the sea with her brother. There was severe sunlight on the way, so both of them were children of Garuda Phannani (bird) under a tree. The snake started biting him, then the daughter-in-law of the moneylender hit the snake under the shield and saved the children. In a short time, the Garud Phanni came, who saw blood there and started beating the moneylender's daughter. Then the moneylender said that I did not kill your children, but the snake had come to bite my child, I have protected your child from it. Hearing this, Garuda Phanni said, "What do you ask for?" She said that she should reach Siu Mata on the seven seas Garuda Phannani seated both of them on their back and reached to Siu Mata. Seeing them, Siu Mata said that the sister came in many days, then started saying that the sister got lice in my head. Then at the behest of Surhi, the moneylender's daughter removed her lice from the Pathfinder. On this, Syu Mata was pleased that you have put a lot of needlework in my head, so there will be seven sons and a daughter-in-law. She said that I do not have a single son, where will the seven sons be from? Mother mother said - I gave the word, if I turn from the word, then I should be narrow on the Dhobi Kund When the daughter-in-law said that my womb is closed, then Siu Mata said that you cheated me a lot, I would not open your womb but now you have to open it.
Go to your house you will get seven sons and seven daughters-in-law, go and make light. Make seven decorations and make seven pancakes. When she returned home, she saw seven sons sitting on seven daughters-in-law and she was happy. He made seven Ahoys, made lights and made seven kadhai. At night, the sisters started saying to each other that by taking a bath early and worshiping, remembering little children and crying. After a while, he told his children - Go to your aunt's house and see why she has not cried yet today. The children went and said that the aunt is asking for something, there is a lot of power being generated. On hearing this, Jethanio came to her house and ran and started saying that how did you break the womb? She said that you have not congratulated the womb, so I have opened the womb. Mother Mother kindly opened my womb and opened ours in the same way. Open the eyes of the saying and the hearer and of all the family.