Ashutosh Shashank Shekhar - Shiv Stuti

Āśutōṣa saśāṅka śēkhara candra mā'ūlī cidambarā,
śambhūlā khūpa khūpa ādara, digambarālā khūpa khūpa ādara,

tū nirbhaya ōṅkāra, avināśī dēva āhēsa.
Jagācā nirmātā śivam satyama sundarācā nāśa karatō,

niraṅkāra svarūpa kalēśvara mahā yōgīśvara,
dayānidhi dāniśavara jaya jaṭādhara abhyaṅkārā,

śūla pāṇī triśūla dharī ŏgaḍī bagambarī,
jaya mahēśa trilōcanaya viśvanātha viśvambharā,

nātha nāgēśvara harō tujhyāvara pāpa āṇi śāpa,
mahādēva mahāna, bhōḷē, sadaiva śiva, śiva saṅkucita,

sansārī patīcī prēmaḷa bhaktī sadaiva tujhyā caraṇī rāhō,
sarva pāpān̄cī kṣamā hōvō, jaya jayatī jagadīśvarā,

janma āṇi jīvana jagatātīla sarva duḥkha āṇi uṣṇatā nāhīśī hōvō,
ōma namaḥ śivāya, manāta pan̄cākṣarācā japa karata rāhā,

āśutōṣa saśāṅka śēkhara candra mā'ūlī cidambarā,
sambhūlā khūpa khūpa namaskāra, digambarālā khūpa khūpa ādara.

This hymn is an adoration and invocation of Lord Shiva, in which his many divine qualities and various forms are extolled. It begins with worshiping Shiva with reverence and accepting his many forms and names. The verses describe Shiva as the formless, eternal creator and destroyer of the universe, symbolizing truth and beauty. He is revered as a benevolent and powerful deity who wields a trident, is adorned with snakes and wears a tiger's skin.

The hymn proceeds by portraying Shiva as a great and merciful deity, the remover of sins and curses, who is worshiped by devotees for liberation and blessings. It emphasizes the devotion and faith of the devotees, seeks forgiveness for their transgressions and expresses the desire to immerse themselves in Shiva's sacred mantra, "Om Namah Shivaya". Repeated obeisances and praises underline deep faith and unwavering faith in Shiva, affirming his supreme position as the lord of the universe.

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