Bhagavad Gita Chapter 1, Shlok 9

anye cha bahavaḥ śhūrā madarthe tyaktajīvitāḥ
nānā-śhastra-praharaṇāḥ sarve yuddha-viśhāradāḥ

Meaning: Also, there are many other heroic warriors, who are prepared to lay down their lives for my sake. They are all skilled in the art of warfare, and equipped with various kinds of weapons.

Word by Word Meaning:

anye - others
cha - also
bahavaḥ - many
śhūrāḥ - heroic warriors
mat-arthe - for my sake
tyakta-jīvitāḥ - prepared to lay down their lives
nānā-śhastra-praharaṇāḥ - equipped with various kinds of weapons; sarve - all
yuddha-viśhāradāḥ - skilled in the art of warfare


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EN हिं