sa ghoṣho dhārtarāṣhṭrāṇāṁ hṛidayāni vyadārayat
nabhaśhcha pṛithivīṁ chaiva tumulo abhyanunādayan
The terrific sound thundered across the sky and the earth, and shattered the hearts of your sons, O Dhritarasthra.
Word by Word Meaning:
saḥ - that
ghoṣhaḥ - sound
dhārtarāṣhṭrāṇām - of Dhritarashtra’s sons
hṛidayāni - hearts
vyadārayat - shattered
nabhaḥ - the sky
cha - and
pṛithivīm - the earth
eva - certainly
tumulaḥ - terrific sound
abhyanunādayan - thundering