Dasharathkrita Shani Stotra - Devotional Remedy for Saturn's Influence

The Dasharathakrita Shani Stotra is a powerful hymn dedicated to Lord Shani (Saturn), one of the nine celestial planets in Vedic astrology. This stotra, composed by King Dasharatha, is believed to be an effective prayer to seek the blessings of Lord Shani and mitigate the challenging effects of Saturn's influence on one's life.

Daśaratha uvāca:

Prasannō jara mē saurē! Ēkaścastuvaraḥ paraḥ.

Rōhiṇīṁ bhēdayitvā tu na gantavyaṁ kadācan.
Saritaḥ sāgarā yāvadyāvaccandrārkamēdinī.

Yācitaṁ tu mahāsaurē! Na̕n'yamicchā hām.
Ēvamastuśanaprōktaṁ varlabdhvā tu śāśvatam.

Prāpyavaṁ tu varaṁ rājā kr̥takr̥tyō̕bhavattā.
Punarēvā̕bravītuṣṭō varaṁ suvrata.

Daśarathakr̥ta śani stōtra:

Nama: Kr̥ṣṇāya nīlāya śitikaṇṭha nibhāya ca.
Nama: Kālāgnirūpāya kr̥tāntāya ca vai nama: .1.

Namō nirmānsa dēhāya dīrghaśmaśrujatāya ca.
Namō viśālanētrāya śuṣkōdara bhayākr̥tē.2.

Nama: Puṣkalagātrāya sthūlarōmnē̕tha vai nama: .
Namō dīrghāya śuṣkāya kāladanṣṭra namō̕stu tē.3.

Namastē kōṭārākṣāya durnarīkṣya vai nama: .
Namō ghōrāya raudrāya bhīṣaṇāya kapālinē.4.

Namastē sarvabhakṣāya balīmukha namō̕stu tē.
Sūryaputra namastē̕stu bhāskarē̕bhayadāya ​​ca.5.

Adhōdr̥ṣṭē: Namastē̕stu sanvartaka namō̕stu tē.
Namō mandagatē tubhyaṁ nistrinśāya namō̕stutē.6.

Tapasā dagdha-dēhāya nityaṁ yōgaratāya ca.
Namō nityaṁ kṣudhārtāya atr̥ptāya ca vai nama: .7.

Jñānacakṣurnamastē̕stu kaśyapātmaja-sūnavē.
Tuṣṭō dadāsi vai rājyāṁ ruṣṭō harasi tatkṣaṇāt.8.

Dēvāsuramanuṣyaśca sid'dha-vidyādharaga: .
Tvayā vilōkitā: Sarvē nāśaṁ yānti samūlata: .9.

Prasāda kuru mē saurē! Vāradō bhava bhāskarē.
Va stutadā saurigraharājō mahābala: .10.

Daśaratha uvāca:

Prasannō jara mē saurē! Varaṁ dēhi mamēpsitam.
Adya prabhr̥ti-piṅgākṣa! Pīḍā dēyā na kasyacit.

Key Features

Authorship: The stotra is attributed to King Dasharatha, the father of Lord Rama in the Hindu epic Ramayana. According to legend, he composed this stotra when he faced difficulties due to the unfavorable position of Lord Shani in his horoscope.

Invocation: The stotra begins with an invocation to Lord Shani, addressing him as the son of Lord Surya (the Sun God) and expressing reverence for his power and authority.

Description of Lord Shani: The stotra describes Lord Shani's attributes, including his appearance, his role in influencing destinies, and his association with karma and justice.

Supplication for Blessings: The stotra seeks Lord Shani's blessings and mercy. It asks for relief from various challenges, sufferings, and hardships that may arise due to the unfavorable position of Saturn in one's horoscope.

Prayers for Removal of Afflictions: The stotra contains verses that request Lord Shani to alleviate the negative effects of his influence and to bestow his protection, guidance, and blessings upon the devotee.

Praises and Homage: The stotra praises Lord Shani as the one who is capable of both causing difficulties and removing them. It acknowledges that he is capable of bestowing both material and spiritual growth.

Purpose and Beliefs

Devotees recite the Dasharathakrita Shani Stotra with the belief that it can help reduce the malefic effects of Saturn's influence in their lives. It is often chanted on Saturdays, the day associated with Lord Shani. People also recite this stotra during difficult periods marked by the presence of Saturn in their astrological charts, in hopes of seeking relief from challenges and seeking divine guidance.

Spiritual Significance

The Dasharathakrita Shani Stotra reflects the spiritual perspective of addressing challenges and adversity with devotion and seeking divine intervention. It emphasizes the understanding of planetary influences on one's life and the role of karma. The stotra encourages individuals to acknowledge the consequences of their actions and seek divine blessings to mitigate difficulties.

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