Ekadashi of Shukla Paksha of Ashwin month is called Papakunsha Ekadashi. This Ekadashi is called Papakunsha Ekadashi due to the way that a sinful elephant is pierced by a mahout form of a hook. Lord Vishnu should be worshiped on this day and Brahmins should be given food and sent away by giving Dakshina. By observing this Ekadashi fast, all the sins are destroyed. Lord Padmanabha is also worshiped on this day.
The end of the fast of Ekadashi is called Parana. Parana is done after sunrise on the next day of Ekadashi fast. It is very important to break the Ekadashi fast before the end of the Dwadashi date. If the Dwadashi tithi is over before sunrise, then Ekadashi fasting ends only after sunrise and doing so is tantamount to sin.
Sometimes Ekadashi fast is observed for two consecutive days. When Ekadashi fasting is for two days, then smart family members should observe Ekadashi fast on the first day. The second day Ekadashi is called Duji Ekadashi.
This mantra should be chanted to please Lord Vishnu.
Om Namo: Narayana. Om Namoh Bhagwate Vasudevaya ||
On the Vindhyachal mountain there lived a great ferocious fowler whose name was also Krodhan according to his deeds. He spent all his life in violence, looting, false speech and drinking and prostitution. Yamraj sent his messengers to bring him a day before his last time. The messengers told Krodhan that tomorrow is your last time, we have come to get you. Fearing death, Angira reached the hermitage of sage Angira. He very kindly prayed to the sage for his protection. The sage took pity on him. He told him the fasting of Ashwin Shukla Ekadashi and the law of worshiping Lord Vishnu. Incidentally, that day was Ekadashi. Krodhan duly fasted and worshiped Ekadashi as told by the sage. By the grace of God he went to Vishnu Lok. There the eunuchs kept rubbing their hands.