Shri Rama Tandav Stotra

Shri Ram Tandav Stotra is a war description composed in Pramanika verses. It is believed to have been composed by Sanskrit scholar poet and seeker Shriman Mahamahim Vidyamartand Shri Bhagwatananda Guru. One meaning of Tandav is also fierce destructive action. According to Ramayana, there is no fierce and furious war like Ram Ravana war. That's why it is also called "Ramraavanyorayudham Ramraavanyoriv".

Jātakatahyuktamuṇḍaprāntam vyāpaka harē:
Apāṅgakrudhdarśanōpahāra cūrṇakuntalaḥ.
Pracaṇḍavēgakāraṇēna pin̄jāḷa: Pratigraha:
Krōdhita tāṇḍavadhr̥gvirājatē hari svarupāta hari: ॥1॥

Translation: By squinting the angry red eyes of Sri Hari, who has a huge head covered with locks of hair, distraught due to the dispersal of huge locks of hair, fierce face and fierce attack, in the midst of the enemy army running hither and thither, in the form of Tandava (highly destructive activity) The striped Lord Hari is looking beautiful.

Atēha vyuhasparśanipragvaruthinī niśāṅginaḥ
Pracaṇḍadānavanalaṁ samudrasadr̥śa sanhāraka:
Namōstutē suraricakrabhakṣakāya maraṇa ॥2॥

Translation: Now look at that!! Lord's first wife with a great bow and quiver, and Parsvarakshini great army, in which Hanuman, Jambavant, Sugriva, Angad etc. are heroes, are as destructive as the sea-like water to extinguish the fierce demonic army fire, my salutations to the eater of such death-like demonic army. Is.

Kālēvarē kaśyavasahastakarmukaṁ harē:
Hr̥di smaraṇa daśakr̥taḥ kucakracauryapātakam
vidyātē pracaṇḍa tāṇḍavakr̥tī: Sa rāghava: ॥3॥

Translation: Wearing valkal clothes like the sages in the body and wearing a huge bow in the hand, with the desire to pierce the enemy's body with arrows, spreading both the legs and making a circle, in the heart the heinous crime of Sita Haran by Ravana While thinking, Lord Raghav is tearing apart the demons by assuming a fierce tandavi form.

Ghōṭāḷā ghōṭāḷā
Tathāguṇaguṇaṅgaṇaguṇaṅgaguṇaguṇēna darśanē
kr̥pitakēśālaṅghyamiṣamēkaraghavana bhajē ॥4॥

Translation: By your sharp arrows piercing the bodies of the asuras who do reprehensible deeds, by your prowess and the string of the bow, by your tact and by your tact, by your cleverness and I worship Raghav, the fierce destroyer with the desire to harm, who crosses the sea by building a bridge.

Savaṇaranvitaḥ tathāplutaṁ śarīraṁ maśrijā
pratimēdasāgrāmansagulmākalakhaṇḍāya: .
Mahāsipāśaktī daṇḍadhārakāya: Niśācarāya:
Pariplutaṁ krataṁ śavaiśca yēna bhūmiṇḍalam ॥5॥

Translation: Covered the entire battlefield with the flesh, fat, liver, intestines, and dismembered corpses of demons who possessed immense power, sword, rod, noose etc. Gone....

Viśādarāṣṭra kumbhakarṇa mēgharāvakārakāya:
Tathāhirāvanādyakampanāṭikayajitavarai: .
Surakṣā manōramā suvarṇalaṅkānagarīma
nijastrasaṅkulairabhēdyakōṭamardana kr̥taḥ ॥6॥

Translation: By whom the beautiful golden city of Lanka, which was an impregnable fort protected by invincible heroes like Vishaldanshtra, Kumbhakarna, Meghnad, Ahiravana, etc., Akampana, Atikaya etc., was also torn apart by the blows of divine weapons….

Prabud'dha bud'dha yōgibhiḥ maharṣisid'dhacaraṇaiḥ
vidēhajapriyāḥ sadanutō stutō ca svastibhiḥ.
Pulastyānandanātmajasya muṇḍarundacēdanam
surāriyuthabhēdanaṁ vilōkayāmi sampratam ॥7॥

Translation: Yogis, sages, siddhas, Charanas, etc., who are always worshiped by Yogis, Maharishis, Siddhas, Charanas, etc., who are always worshiped, praised by beautiful Mangalayatan praises, today I separate the head and torso of Ravana, the son of Pulastyanandan Vishrava, and the army I am seeing the fierce destruction of

Karālakalarupiṇam mahōgrācāpadhārinam
kumōhagrata marakatcā bhallatraṇakaraṇam.
Vibhīṣaṇādibhiḥ sadābhiṣēnēbhicintakaṁ
bhajāmi jitvaraṁ tathōrmilāpatē: Priyāgrajama ॥8॥

Translation: Invincible mighty Urmilapati Lakshmana's elder brother in the form of death, wielding the great fiery bow, taking shelter of bewitched monkeys and bears, engaged in discussions with Vibhishana etc. on policies and plans to destroy the enemy side I worship Shriramchandra.

Itstatāḥ muhūrmuhuḥ paribhramanti kauntikāḥ.
Anuplavapraprāsikāśca vaijayantikaḥ.
Mr̥dē prabhākarasya vanśakīrtinō padanāt
abhikramēṇā rāghavasya tāṇḍavakr̥ta: Gata: ॥9॥

Translation: The followers of the enemy army running hither and thither, bearing banners, spears and swords, in battle, have been perturbed and destroyed by the great intolerable influence of Ramchandra ji, the fame of the sun dynasty.

Nirākāra āṇi adr̥śya
mahōjjvalaṁ ajāna vibhūṁ pūraṇapuruṣa harim.
Janma āṇi mr̥tyūcā niraṅkuśa bhakta
adharmamārgaghaṭakaṁ kapiśvyuhanāyakam ॥10॥

Translation: Aakriti, free from changes and troubles, instrumental in creation in the beginning, endowed with great effulgence, eternal, all-nourishing, ancient divine consciousness, destroyer of sorrows, masterless, destroyer of sorrows at birth and death of his devotee, destroyer of unrighteousness, monkeys Swami Shriramchandra ji of the army of...

Supuṣkarēna puṣkarān̄ca puṣkarastramaraṇai:
Sadplutaṁ niśācaraiḥ supuṣkaran̄ca puṣkaram ॥11॥

Translation: The bodies of the demons have spread everywhere in the sky and the ocean due to the blows of the fierce sword, disc, spear, bhindipal, farsa, small knife, arrow, mudgar, tomar and Varunastra etc. fired from the string of the bow.

Prapannabhaktarakṣākaṁ vasundharātmajapriyaṁ
kapiśvr̥ndasēvitaṁ samasta duṣaṇapaham.
Surāsurabhivanditaṁ niśācaraṇakaṁ vibhūm
jagadpraśastikaraṇaṁ bhajēha rāmamīśvaram॥12॥

Translation: Worship Sitapati, who protects the devotee who comes to his shelter, who is served by monkey emperors, who destroys all bad qualities, who is worshiped by Indradi Devgan and Prahladadi Asura, who kills the demons, the world's nurturer and protector God Shri Ram.

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