Sri Kartikeya Stotram

Shri Kartikeya Stotram Features:

By reciting Shri Kartikeya Stotram, the desired wish is fulfilled and by doing it regularly, the stalled tasks also get completed, as well as positive energy is received. If a person is sick for a long time, he can get rid of diseases by reciting Shri Kartikeya Stotram and will also be free from any kind of fear.

|| Skanda Uvacha ||

Yogisvaro Mahasena: Karthikeyaongninandanah.
Skandah Kumarah Fighter Swami Shankarsambhavah॥1॥

Gangeyastamrachudascha brahmachari shikhidhwajah.
Tarakarirumaputra: krodarishcha shadananah ॥2॥

Shabdbrahmasamudrascha siddhah saraswato guhah.
Sanatkumaro Bhagwan Bhogamokshfalpradah ॥3॥

Sharjanma Ganadhish: One who is liberated from the forefathers.
Perfection leader for desired performance: ॥4॥

Ashtavinshatinamani madiyaniti yah pathet.
Pratyusham Shraddhaya Yukto Mooko Vachaspatitarbhavet ॥5॥

Mahamantramayaniti Mama Namanukirtanat.
Mahapragyaamvaapnoti natra karya vicharana ॥6॥

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