Many mantras of Shri Ganesh are famous but one particular mantra which Shri Ganesh ji is the most famous mantra. Chanting this mantra is considered an easy way to please God. This mantra is Vakratund Mahakaya, in this mantra, while telling about the grand form of Shri Ganesh ji, he is always requested to shower blessings. This mantra is considered very effective. This mantra is so famous that in Hindu religion this mantra is written first in the wedding card. It can be said that this mantra is chanted before doing any auspicious work.
Vakratuṇḍa mahākāyā sūryakōṭī samaprabhā: |
Nirvighnama kurumadhyē, īśvara sarva-kāryaśu āhē ||
Whose mouth is curved. Whose body is vast, who takes away the sins of his devotees immediately, who is as dazzling as crores of suns, who can spread the light of knowledge all around, who can remove obstacles in all works, so Lord you Quickly remove all the obstacles in my work. Always keep your kind eyes on me.