Shri Sankatnashanam Ganesh Stotram - Mantra to Remove Obstacles

The Shri Sankat Nashanam Ganesh Stotram is a revered hymn dedicated to Lord Ganesha, the remover of obstacles in Hinduism. This stotram is recited with deep devotion to seek blessings from Lord Ganesha for the removal of various challenges and impediments in life. Each verse of the stotram holds significance and is chanted to invoke Ganesha's divine presence for overcoming difficulties.

Shri Sankat Nashanam Ganesh Stotram

praṇamya śirasā dēvaṁ gaurīputraṁ vināyakam |
bhaktāvāsaṁ smarēnnityaṁ āyuṣkāmārthasiddhayē || 1 ||

prathamaṁ vakratuṇḍaṁ ca ēkadantaṁ dvitīyakam |
tr̥tīyaṁ kr̥ṣṇapiṅgākṣaṁ gajavaktraṁ caturthakam || 2 ||

lambōdaraṁ pañcamaṁ ca ṣaṣṭhaṁ vikaṭamēva ca |
saptamaṁ vighnarājaṁ ca dhūmravarṇaṁ tathāṣṭakam || 3 ||

navamaṁ bālacandraṁ ca daśamaṁ tu vināyakam |
ēkādaśaṁ gaṇapatiṁ dvādaśaṁ tu gajānanam || 4 ||

dvādaśaitāni nāmāni trisandhyaṁ yaḥ paṭhēnnaraḥ |
na ca vighnabhayaṁ tasya sarvasiddhikaraṁ param || 5 ||

vidyārthī labhatē vidyāṁ dhanārthī labhatē dhanam |
putrārthī labhatē putrānmōkṣārthī labhatē gatim || 6 ||

japēdgaṇapatistōtram ṣaḍbhirmāsaiḥ phalaṁ labhēt |
saṁvatsarēṇa siddhiṁ ca labhatē nātra saṁśayaḥ || 7 ||

aṣṭabhyō brāhmaṇēbhyaśca likhitvā yaḥ samarpayēt |
tasya vidyā bhavētsarvā gaṇēśasya prasādataḥ || 8 ||

iti śrī nārada purāṇē śrī saṅkaṭa nāśana gaṇēśa stōtram sampoornam |

Significance of Shri Sankatnashanam Stotram

The "Shri Sankatnashanam Stotram" holds profound significance in Hindu spirituality due to its focus on Lord Ganesha, the deity revered as the remover of obstacles. This stotram is cherished by devotees for its ability to alleviate various challenges and hurdles in life. 

In essence, the "Shri Sankatnashanam Stotram" holds significance as a powerful tool for invoking Lord Ganesha's blessings to overcome challenges, fostering spiritual growth, and cultivating a deep connection with the divine. Its practice brings a sense of comfort, hope, and assurance that one is supported on their life's journey.

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