Ashtalakshmi Stotram - Goddes Laxmi

Sumanasavandita sundari mādhavi candra sahōdari hēmayē.
Munigaṇa vandita mōkṣapradāyani man̄juḷabhāṣiṇī vēdanutē.

Paṅkajavāsini dēvasupūjita sadaguṇavarṣini śāntiyutē.
Jaya jaya hē madhusūdana kāmini ādilakṣmi jaya palaya mām.1.

Ayikali kalmaṣanāśini kāmini vaidikarūpini vēdamayē.
Kṣīrasamudabhava maṅgalarūpini mantranivāsini mantranutē.

Maṅgaladāyani ambujavāsini dēvagaṇāśrita pādayutē.
Jaya jaya hē madhusūdana kāmini dhān'yalakṣmī jaya vidyālaya mām.2.

Jayavara varṇini vaiṣṇavibhārgavi mantrasvarūpi mantramayē.
Suragaṇa pūjita śīghra phalaprada jñāna vikāsani śāstranutē.

Bhavabhayahāriṇī pāpavimōcani sādhujanāśrita pādayutē.
Jaya jaya hē madhusūdana kāmini dhairyalakṣmī jaya palaya mām.3.

Jaya jaya durgatināśini kāmini sarvaphalaprada śāstramē.
Rathagaja turaga padādisamānuta parijanamaṇḍita lōkanutē.

Hari-hara brahma supūjita sēvita tāpanivārini pādayutē.
Jaya jaya hē madhusūdana kāmini śrī gajalakṣmi palaya mām.4.

Ayi khagavāhini mōhini cakriṇī rāgavivardhini jñānamayē.
Guṇagaṇavāridhi lōkahitaiṣini saptasvara gānutē.

Sakala surāsura dēva munīśvara mānavavandita pādayutē.
Jaya jaya hē madhusūdana kāmini santānalakṣmi palayamām.5.

Jaya kamalāsani sadgatadāyini jñāna vikāsi gānamayē.
Anudinamarcita kukummadhūsara bhūṣita vādyanutē.

Kanaka dharā stuti vaibhava vandita śaṅkara dēśika mān'ya.
Jaya jaya hē madhusūdana kāmini vijayalakṣmi jaya palaya mām.6.

Praṇatasurvēri bhārati bhārgavi śōkavināśini ratnamayē.
Maṇimaya bhūṣita karṇavibhūṣaṇa śāntisamāvr̥ta hāsyamukhē.

Navanidhi dāyini kalimalahāriṇī kāmya phalaprada hastayutē.
Jaya jaya hē madhusūdana kāmini vilakṣmi palaya mām.7.

Dhimi dhimi dhindhimi dubhinnāda supūrṇamayē.
Ghuṅghuma ghuṅghuma ghuṅghuma śaṅkhanināda suvādyanutē.

Vēdapurānēti hāsa supūjita vaidikamārga pradarśayutē.
Jaya jaya hē madhusūdana kāmini śrī dhanalakṣmi palaya mām.8.

The "Ashtalakshmi Stotra" is a sacred hymn dedicated to the eight forms of the Hindu Goddess Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth, prosperity, and abundance. Each form of Lakshmi is associated with different aspects of wealth and well-being. The Ashtalakshmi Stotra is chanted or recited to seek the blessings of these eight forms of Goddess Lakshmi for various aspects of life.

The eight forms of Goddess Lakshmi invoked in the Ashtalakshmi Stotra are:

  • Adi Lakshmi: The primal form of Lakshmi, who represents the source of all wealth and abundance.
  • Dhana Lakshmi: The bestower of material wealth and financial prosperity.
  • Dhairya Lakshmi: The provider of courage, strength, and patience to overcome challenges.
  • Gaja Lakshmi: The giver of prosperity and power, symbolized by elephants.
  • Santana Lakshmi: The bestower of progeny and family well-being.
  • Vijaya Lakshmi: The giver of victory, success, and triumph in endeavors.
  • Dhanya Lakshmi: The provider of agricultural wealth and food abundance.
  • Aishwarya Lakshmi: The bestower of spiritual wealth and divine grace.

Devotees recite the Ashtalakshmi Stotra with devotion to invoke the blessings of these eight forms of Lakshmi for a harmonious and prosperous life. It is commonly chanted during festivals, pujas, and rituals dedicated to Goddess Lakshmi.

The hymn highlights the significance of wealth not only in material terms but also in terms of inner strength, wisdom, and spiritual growth. It serves as a reminder of the holistic nature of prosperity and well-being.

In summary, the Ashtalakshmi Stotra is a revered prayer that celebrates the multifaceted blessings of Goddess Lakshmi and underscores the importance of seeking both material and spiritual wealth in life.

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