Dhanda Lakshmi Stotra

Mūla pāṭha

dhanadēpē dēvī, dānaśīlē dayākarē.
Tvam prasīda mahēśānī yadarthaṁ prārthamyahama..1..

Dharamarapriyē puṇyē, dhan'yē dhanada-pūjitē.
Sudhana dhārmikaṁ dēhī, yajamānāya satvarama..2..

Ramyē rudrapriyē, ramārūpē ratipriyē.
Śikhāsakhyamanōmūrtē prasīda praṇatē mayī..3.

Arkta-caraṇāmabhōjē, sid'dhi-sarvārthadāyinī.
Divyāmbardharē divyē, divyamālyānuśōbhitē..4..

Samastaguṇasampanē, sarvalakṣaṇa -lakṣitē.
Śaraccandramukhē nīlē,nīlanīrada- lōcanē.5.

Can̄carīka -camū -cārū- śrīhāra -kuṭilālakē.
Divyē divarē śrīdē,kalakaṇṭharavāmr̥tē..6.


Kavaṇata-kaṅkaṇa-man̄jīrē, rasa līlākarāmbujē.
Ruktadravya -mahatatvē,dharmādhārē dharalē..8..

Prayaccha yajamānāya, dhanadharmaika -sādhanaṁ.
Mātastvaṁ vāvilambēna, dasva jagadambikē..9.

Kr̥pābdhē karūṇāgārē, prārthayē cāśu sid'dhayē.
Vasudhē vasudhārūpē, vasu-vāsava-vanditē..10..

Prārthinē ca dhanaṁ dēhī, varadē varadā bhava.
Brahmaṇā brāhmaṇēha pūjyā,tvayā ca śaṅkarō yathāta.11..

Śrīkarē śaṅkarē śrīdē prasīda mayī kiṅkarē.
Stōtraṁ dāridrya -kaṣṭārta-śamana sudhana -pradama. 12.

Pārvatīśa -prasādēna surēśa kiṅkarē sthitama.
Mahyaṁ prayaccha mātastvaṁ tvāmahaṁ śaraṇa gataḥ..13.

In Hindu mythology, Goddess Lakshmi embodies eight distinct forms, each of which possesses the power to dispel poverty and bestow wealth upon individuals. Through the dedicated recitation of prayers and stotras dedicated to Goddess Lakshmi, devotees can overcome obstacles and invite prosperity into their lives. Hindu scriptures elaborate on the concept of eight manifestations of Devi Lakshmi.

One of these eight forms is Dhanda Lakshmi, the divine Goddess of wealth and a manifestation of the Mother Goddess, Lakshmi herself. Dhanda Lakshmi symbolizes limitless prosperity and abundance, and she plays a pivotal role in the elimination of poverty. She guides individuals on the path to increased income and the fulfillment of their desires. Dhanda Lakshmi blesses those who toil diligently and assists them in achieving financial stability. She is the ultimate repository of wealth in the Universe and aids her devoted followers in surmounting financial challenges.

The Dhanda Lakshmi Stotra is a potent mantra that invokes the blessings of Goddess Dhanada Lakshmi. Also known as Dhan Lakshmi and Dhanalakshmi, this deity is a significant aspect of the Goddess Mahalakshmi, primarily responsible for bestowing material wealth, including money, gold, jewels, properties, and more. Worshipers seek the favor of Goddess Dhanalakshmi through the recitation of the Dhanalakshmi Gayatri Mantra, Dhanada Lakshmi Stotra, Dhanalakshmi Dhyana Sloka, and the Dhanda Lakshmi Stotra, among other sacred rituals and invocations.

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