Dattatreya Ashta Chakra Stotram

Dattātrēyāṣṭacakrabīja stōtram

śrīdattaṣaṭcakrastotram ajapājapastotraṃ ca .
śrīgaṇeśāya namaḥ . śrī gurave namaḥ .

Digambaraṁ bhasmasugandhalēpanaṁ
cakraṁ triśūlaṁ ḍamaruṁ gadāṁ ca.
Padmāsanasthaṁ r̥ṣidēvavanditaṁ
dattātrēyadhyānamabhīṣṭasid'dham. 1.

Mūlādhārē vārijapadmē sacatuṣkē
vanśasansa varṇaviśālaiḥ suviśālaiḥ.
Raktaṁ varṇaṁ śrībhagavataṁ gaṇanāthaṁ
dattātrēyaṁ śrīgurumūrtiṁ praṇatō̕smi. 2.

Svādhiṣṭhānē ṣaṭdalapadmē tanuliṅgē
bālāntaistadvarṇaviśālaiḥ suviśālaiḥ.
Pītaṁ varṇaṁ vākpatirūpaṁ druhīṁ taṁ
dattātrēyaṁ śrīgurumūrtiṁ praṇatō̕smi. 3.

Nābhau padmē patradaśāṅkē daphavarṇē
lakṣmīkāntaṁ garuḍhārūḍhaṁ maṇipūrē.
Nīlavarṇā nirguṇarūpaṁ nigamākṣaṁ
dattātrēyaṁ śrīgurumūrtiṁ praṇatō̕smi. 4.

Hr̥tpadmāntē dvādapatrē kaṭhavarṇē
anāhatāntē vr̥ṣabhārūḍhaṁ śivarūpam.
Sargasthitaṁ kurvāṇa dhavalāṅgaṁ
dattātrēyaṁ śrīgurumūrtiṁ praṇatō̕smi.5.

Kaṇṭhasthānē cakraviśud'dhē kamalāntē
candrākārē ṣōḍaśapatrē svaravarṇē
māyādhīśaṁ jīvaśivaṁ taṁ bhagavantaṁ
dattātrēyaṁ śrīgurumūrtiṁ praṇatō̕smi. 6.

Ājñācakrē bhr̥kuṭisthānē dvidalāntē haṁ
kṣaṁ bījaṁ jñānasamudraṁ gurūmūrtiṁ
vidyutvarrṇaṁ jñānamayaṁ taṁ nitilākṣaṁ
dattātrēyaṁ śrīgurumūrtiṁ praṇatō̕smi. 7.

Mūrdhnisthānē vārijapadmē śaśibījaṁ
śubhraṁ varṇāṁ patrasahasrē lalanākhyē
haṁ bījākhyaṁ varṇasahasraṁ turyāṁ
dattātrēyaṁ śrīgurumūrtiṁ praṇatō̕smi. 8.

Brahmanandaṁ brahmamukundaṁ bhagavantaṁ
brahmajñānaṁ jñānamayaṁ taṁ svayamēva
paramātmānaṁ brahmamunīdraṁ bhasitāṅgaṁ
dattātrēyaṁ śrīgurumūrtiṁ praṇatō̕smi. 9.

Dattatreya Stotra is a hymn or prayer dedicated to Lord Dattatreya, a composite deity in Hinduism who combines the aspects of Lord Brahma (the creator), Lord Vishnu (the preserver), and Lord Shiva (the destroyer). Lord Dattatreya is often depicted as a sage with three heads and six arms, and he is considered the Guru of Gurus, the ultimate teacher who imparts spiritual wisdom.

This stotra is a way for devotees to express their reverence and seek the blessings and guidance of Lord Dattatreya. It acknowledges Lord Dattatreya's divine qualities and his role as a spiritual teacher who can lead seekers to the path of self-realization and liberation. Devotees often recite this stotra with devotion and faith to invoke the grace of Lord Dattatreya in their lives.

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EN हिं