Navgraha Pidaghar Stotram

|| Śrī gaṇēśāya namaḥ ||

grahaṇāmādirādityō lōkarakṣaṇa kāraka:.
Viṣamasthāna sambhūtāṁ pīḍāṁ haratu mē ravi:.

Rōhiṇī: Sudhāmūrti: Sudhāgātra: Sudhāśana:.
Viṣamasthāna sambhūtāṁ pīḍāṁ haratu mē vidhu:.

Bhūmiputrō mahātējā jagatāṁ bhayakr̥tsadā.
Vr̥ṣṭikudr̥ṣṭihartā ca pīḍāṁ haratu mē kuja:.

Utpātarūpō jagatāṁ candraputrō mahādyuti:.
Sūryapriyakarō vidvānpīḍaṁ haratu mēṁ budha:.

Dēva viśāla sāgarākṣa: Sadā lōkahitē rata:.
Anēka śiṣyasampūrṇa: Pīḍāṁ haratu mēṁ guru:.

Daitya gurustēṣāṁ prāṇadāśca mahāmati:.
Prabhustārāgrahāṁ ca pīḍāṁ haratu mē bhr̥gu:.

Sūryaputrō dīrghadēhō viśālākṣa: Śivapriya:.
Dīrghacāra: Prasannātmā pīḍāṁ haratu mē śani:.

Mahāśirō mahāvakṭrō dīrghadanṣṭrō mahābala:.
Atanu: Ūdhrvakēśa pīḍāṁ haratu mēṁ śikhī.

Anēka rūpavarṇēśca śataśō̕tha saha śa:.
Utpātarūpō jagatāṁ pīḍāṁ haratu mē tama:.

The "Navgraha Pidaghar Stotram" is a powerful and revered prayer in Hinduism that is recited to seek the blessings and protection of the Navagrahas, the nine celestial bodies or planets in Vedic astrology. These celestial bodies are believed to influence human life and destiny, and this stotram is recited to mitigate the negative effects of malefic planets and enhance the positive influence of benefic planets.

The stotram typically consists of verses or chants dedicated to each of the nine planets, praising their divine qualities and seeking their favorable influence. Devotees recite this stotram with devotion to alleviate astrological troubles, promote well-being, and attain spiritual blessings.

The specific content of the "Navgraha Pidaghar Stotram" can vary, but it generally includes invocations to the Navagrahas, including Surya (the Sun), Chandra (the Moon), Mangala (Mars), Budha (Mercury), Guru (Jupiter), Shukra (Venus), Shani (Saturn), Rahu, and Ketu. The stotram is recited to pacify malefic planetary influences and attract auspicious energies.

Devotees believe that by reciting this stotram with sincerity and faith, they can improve their astrological circumstances, reduce the impact of negative planetary positions, and lead a more harmonious and prosperous life. It is often recited as part of daily prayers or during specific astrologically significant times.

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