Anadi Kalpeshwar Stotra - Lord Shiva

The Anadi Kalpeshwar Stotra is a sacred hymn that reverberates with devotion and spirituality, dedicated to Lord Shiva, the eternal and timeless deity of the Hindu pantheon. This stotra is particularly associated with the Kalpeshwar temple, one of the Panch Kedar shrines nestled in the picturesque Garhwal Himalayas of Uttarakhand, India. 

Anadi Kalpeshwar Stotra

Karpūragaurō bhujagēndrahārō gaṅgādharō lōkahitāvahaḥ |
Sarvēśrvō dēvarō̕pyaghōrō yō̕nādikalpēśvara ēva sō̕sau ||1||

Kailāsavāsī girijāvilāsī śmaśānavāsī sumanōnivāsī |
Kāśīnivāsī vijaya prakāśī yō̕nādikalpēśvara ēva sō̕sau ||2||

Triśūladhārī bhavaduḥkhārī kandarpavairī rajanīśadhārī |
Kapardadhārī bhajakalī yō̕nādikalpēśvara ēva sō̕sau ||3||

Lōkādhināthaḥ pramathādhināthaḥ kaivalyanāthaḥ śrutiśāstranāthaḥ |
Vidyārthanāthaḥ puruṣārthanāthō yō̕nādikalpēśvara ēva sō̕sau ||4||

Liṅgaṁ paricchēttumadhōgatasya nārāyaṇaśrōpari lōkanāthaḥ |
Babhūvatustāvapi nō samarthau yō̕nādikalpēśvara ēva sō̕sau ||5||

Yaṁ rāvaṇastāṇḍavakauśalēna gītēna cātōṣayadasya sō̕tra |
Kr̥pākaṭākṣēṇa samr̥d'dhimāpa yō̕nādikalpēśvara ēva sō̕sau ||6||

Sakr̥cca bānō̕vanamayaśīrṣaṁ yāgrataḥ sōpyalabhatsamr̥d'dhim |
Dēvēndrasampatyadhikāṁ gariṣṭhāṁ yō̕nādikalpēśvara ēva sō̕sau ||7||

Guṇānvimātuṁ na samartha ēṣa vēṣaśca jīvō̕pi vikuṇṭhitō̕sya |
Śrutiśrca nūna cālitaṁ babhāṣē yō̕nādikalpēśvara ēva sō̕sau ||8||

Anādikalpēśa umēśa ētat stavāṣṭakaṁ yaḥ paṭhati trikālam |
Sa dhautapāpō̕khilalōkavandyaṁ śaiva padaṁ yāsyati bhaktimānśrcēt ||9||

|| Iti śrīvāsudēvānandasarasvatimanādikalpēśvarastōtraṁ sarvam ||

The Anadi Kalpeshwar Stotra is a hymn composed in praise of Lord Shiva in His Anadi form. It is recited with deep devotion by pilgrims and devotees who make the arduous journey to Kalpeshwar. The stotra encapsulates the profound spirituality and reverence associated with this divine destination.

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EN हिं