Ganga Dussehra Stotra

Om namaḥ śivāyai gaṅgāyai, śivadāyai namō namaḥ.
Namastē viṣṇu-rupiṇyai, brahma-mūrtai namō̕stu tē.

Namastē rudra-rupiṇya, śāṅkaryai tē namō namaḥ.
Sarva-dēva-svarūpiṇī, namō bhēṣa-mūrtayē.

Sarvasya sarva-vyādhīnāṁ, bhiṣaka-śrēṣṭhyai namō̕stu tē.
Sthāsanujaṅgama-sambhūta-viṣa-hantryai namō̕stu tē.

Viśva-viṣa-nāśin'ya, jīvānāyai namō̕stu tē.
Tāpa-tritaya-sanhantrya, prāṇaśyai tē namō namaḥ.

Śanti-santāna-kāriṇyai, namastē śud'dha-mūrtayē.
Sarva-sanśud'dhi-kāriṇyai, namaḥ pāpāri-mūrtayē.

Bhukti-mukti-pradāyin'yai, bhadradāyai namō namaḥ.
Bhōgōpabhōga-dāyin'ya, bhōga-vatyai namō̕stu tē.

Mandākin'yai namastē̕stu, svargadayai namō namaḥ.
Namastrailōkya-bhūṣāya, tri-pathāyai namō namaḥ.

Namastri-śukla-sansthāyai, kṣamā-vatyai namō namaḥ.
Tri-hutāśana-sansthāyai, tējō-vatyai namō namaḥ.

Nandāya liṅga-dhāriṇyai, sudhā-dhārātmanē namaḥ.
Namastē viśva-mukhyai, rēvatya tē namō namaḥ.

Br̥hatyai tē namastē̕stu, lōka-dhātrya namō̕stu tē.
Namastē viśva-mitrāyai, nandin'yai tē namō namaḥ.

Pr̥thvyai śivāmr̥tāya ca, su-vr̥ṣāya namō namaḥ.
Parāpara-śatāḍhyai, tārāya tē namō namaḥ.

Pāśa-jāla-nikr̥ntin'ya, abhinnāya namō̕stu tē.
Śāntāya ca variṣṭhāya, varadāyai namō namaḥ.

Ugrāyai sukha-jagdhyāya ca, sañjīvin'yai namō̕stu tē.
Brahmiṣṭhāya-brahmadāyai, duritaghn'yai namō namaḥ.

Praṇatārti-prabhan̄jin'ya, jagmātrē namō̕stu tē.
Sarvāpat-prati-pakṣāya, maṅgalāya namō namaḥ.

Sarvasyārti-harē dēvī! Nārāyaṇī! Namō̕stutē.

Nirlēpāya durga-hantryai, sakṣāya tē namō namaḥ.
Parāpara-parāya ca, gaṅgēvāṇa-dāyini.

Gaṅgē mamā̕gratō bhūyā, gaṅgē mēṁ tiṣṭha pr̥ṣṭhataḥ.
Gaṅgē mē pārśvayōrēdhi, gaṅgē tvayastu mē sthitiḥ.

Ādau tvamantē madhyē ca, sarvatvaṁ gāṅgatē śivē!
Tvamēva mūla-prakr̥tistvaṁ pumān para ēva hi.

Gaṅgē tvaṁ paramātmā ca, śivastubhyaṁ namaḥ śivē.

|| Phala-śruti ||

Ya idaṁ paṭhatē stōtraṁ, śruṇuyācchrad'dhayā̕pi yaḥ.
Daśadhā mucyatē pāpaiḥ, kāya-vāk-citta-sambhavaiḥ.

Rōgasthō mucyēd, vipadbhyaśca vipad-yutaḥ.
Mucyatē bandhanād bad'dhō, bhītō bhītēḥ pramucyatē.

According to the Vedic Purana, even a person of modest means can attain the blessings of Ganga Dussehra by standing in the holy waters of the Ganga and reciting the sacred psalm ten times with devotion. The act of worshiping the Ganga through sincere effort yields the same rewards. This ritual of bathing on Dussehra is steeped in tradition.

The Skanda Purana refers to this psalm as the Ganga Dussehra Stotra. The prescribed method for its recitation involves envisioning the magnificent form of the three-eyed Lord, adorned with the four arms, jewel-encrusted crown, white lotus, and bestowing hands in a white attire.

This ritual is a beautiful way to connect with the divine during the auspicious occasion of Ganga Dussehra.

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EN हिं