Lord Ganesha 108 Names with meanings

  1. Om Vinayakaya Namaha - I bow to the Lord of all obstacles.
  2. Om Vighnarajaya Namaha - I bow to the King of obstacles.
  3. Om Gauriputraya Namaha - I bow to the son of Goddess Gauri (Parvati).
  4. Om Ganesvaraya Namaha - I bow to the Lord of all beings.
  5. Om Skandagrajaya Namaha - I bow to the elder brother of Lord Skanda (Kartikeya).
  6. Om Avighnajnaya Namaha - I bow to the one who knows how to remove obstacles.
  7. Om Sarvadevatmane Namaha - I bow to the soul of all deities.
  8. Om Sarvagotraya Namaha - I bow to the source of all lineages.
  9. Om Sarvamukhaya Namaha - I bow to the one with all faces.
  10. Om Sarvasaktimate Namaha - I bow to the one with all powers.
  11. Om Sarvapujyaya Namaha - I bow to the one who is worshipped by all.
  12. Om Sarvayajnamurtaye Namaha - I bow to the embodiment of all sacrifices.
  13. Om Sarvadipaya Namaha - I bow to the light of all.
  14. Om Sarvadibhyo Namaha - I bow to the one who is beyond all.
  15. Om Sarvarogaghnave Namaha - I bow to the destroyer of all ailments.
  16. Om Sarvasiddhipradaya Namaha - I bow to the giver of all accomplishments.
  17. Om Sarvaraksakaya Namaha - I bow to the protector of all.
  18. Om Sarvabhutaya Namaha - I bow to the Lord of all beings.
  19. Om Sarvasammohanaya Namaha - I bow to the one who enchants all.
  20. Om Sarvadayavate Namaha - I bow to the compassionate one.
  21. Om Sarvaraksaya Namaha - I bow to the protector of all.
  22. Om Sarvadaityantakaya Namaha - I bow to the destroyer of all demons.
  23. Om Sarvaraksasapunyakrte Namaha - I bow to the one who purifies all.
  24. Om Sarvavighnasthapakaya Namaha - I bow to the remover of all obstacles.
  25. Om Sarvagramapalaya Namaha - I bow to the protector of all villages.
  26. Om Sarvasastrapravartakaya Namaha - I bow to the founder of all scriptures.
  27. Om Sarvabrahmadhikaprada Namaha - I bow to the bestower of knowledge to all.
  28. Om Sarvamusalaya Namaha - I bow to the one who holds all weapons.
  29. Om Sarvavighnabhanjanaya Namaha - I bow to the breaker of all obstacles.
  30. Om Sarvavisvapriyanandaya Namaha - I bow to the source of joy for all beings.
  31. Om Sarvavidyapradayakaya Namaha - I bow to the giver of all knowledge.
  32. Om Sarvavedatmane Namaha - I bow to the soul of all Vedas.
  33. Om Sarvapancamrtapana Namaha - I bow to the drinker of the five nectars.
  34. Om Sarvalankara-dipaya Namaha - I bow to the light of all ornaments.
  35. Om Sarvalokanandakrt Namaha - I bow to the creator of joy in all worlds.
  36. Om Sarvarasasvarupaya Namaha - I bow to the embodiment of all flavors.
  37. Om Sarvapriyaya Namaha - I bow to the beloved of all.
  38. Om Sarvotsavapriyakrt Namaha - I bow to the creator of all festivals.
  39. Om Sarvaprnadaprana-pana Namaha - I bow to the vital breath of all beings.
  40. Om Sarvagandhavate Namaha - I bow to the fragrant one.
  41. Om Sarvarogapriyaya Namaha - I bow to the healer of all ailments.
  42. Om Sarvabhishtaphalapradaya Namaha - I bow to the granter of all desires.
  43. Om Sarvarogavimocanaya Namaha - I bow to the liberator from all diseases.
  44. Om Sarvasastravartaya Namaha - I bow to the knower of all scriptures.
  45. Om Sarvamayaya Namaha - I bow to the illusion of all.
  46. Om Sarvasadhgunavarjitaya Namaha - I bow to the one free from all defects.
  47. Om Sarvalokamangalakrt Namaha - I bow to the creator of auspiciousness in all worlds.
  48. Om Sarvaprajapatisvaraya Namaha - I bow to the Lord of all beings.
  49. Om Sarvapitavate Namaha - I bow to the father of all.
  50. Om Sarvaraksa-pradhvanaya Namaha - I bow to the protector of all.
  51. Om Sarvadevamrtapana Namaha - I bow to the drinker of divine nectar.
  52. Om Sarvakanthabhusana Namaha - I bow to the adornment of all throats.
  53. Om Sarvajanavasankrt Namaha - I bow to the purifier of all people.
  54. Om Sarvapindapriyaya Namaha - I bow to the beloved of all beings.
  55. Om Sarvadandavivarjitaya Namaha - I bow to the one beyond all punishment.
  56. Om Sarvasaubhagya-da Namaha - I bow to the bestower of all auspiciousness.
  57. Om Sarvarupayate Namaha - I bow to the embodiment of all forms.
  58. Om Sarvajivahitaprada Namaha - I bow to the giver of welfare to all beings.
  59. Om Sarvajivasantaraya Namaha - I bow to the inner self of all beings.
  60. Om Sarvalokaguru Namaha - I bow to the teacher of all worlds.
  61. Om Sarvavidya-pravartinam Namaha - I bow to the promoter of all knowledge.
  62. Om Sarvasurabhinayakaya Namaha - I bow to the leader of all gods.
  63. Om Sarvalankarabhusitaya Namaha - I bow to the adorned one.
  64. Om Sarvarajopacaraya Namaha - I bow to the receiver of all royal offerings.
  65. Om Sarvalokanivasine Namaha - I bow to the dweller of all worlds.
  66. Om Sarvabhutamanonmane Namaha - I bow to the highest in all beings.
  67. Om Sarvayuddhaparayana Namaha - I bow to the expert in all battles.
  68. Om Sarvarogakrt Namaha - I bow to the cause of all ailments.
  69. Om Sarvadattapriyaya Namaha - I bow to the lover of all offerings.
  70. Om Sarvamanyaya Namaha - I bow to the respected by all.
  71. Om Sarvalokakrt Namaha - I bow to the creator of all worlds.
  72. Om Sarvasiddhipradaya Namaha - I bow to the granter of all accomplishments.
  73. Om Sarvayajnakrt Namaha - I bow to the performer of all sacrifices.
  74. Om Sarvaraksa-pradayakaya Namaha - I bow to the giver of protection to all.
  75. Om Sarvasaubhagyadayakaya Namaha - I bow to the giver of all fortunes.
  76. Om Sarvasamjnaya Namaha - I bow to the knower of all.
  77. Om Sarvadeva-manoharaya Namaha - I bow to the delighter of all gods.
  78. Om Sarvapapakrt Namaha - I bow to the destroyer of all sins.
  79. Om Sarvayajnamurtaye Namaha - I bow to the embodiment of all sacrifices.
  80. Om Sarvavidyanidhaye Namaha - I bow to the treasure of all knowledge.
  81. Om Sarvajivamanoharaya Namaha - I bow to the enchantment of all beings.
  82. Om Sarvopadravapahaya Namaha - I bow to the remover of all troubles.
  83. Om Sarvapapahara Namaha - I bow to the destroyer of all sins.
  84. Om Sarvaraksa-karo Namaha - I bow to the protector of all.
  85. Om Sarvadevamrtopama Namaha - I bow to the ambrosia of all gods.
  86. Om Sarvasamstutaya Namaha - I bow to the one praised by all.
  87. Om Sarvajnanasvarupaya Namaha - I bow to the embodiment of all knowledge.
  88. Om Sarvabandhavimocakaya Namaha - I bow to the liberator from all bonds.
  89. Om Sarvalokagurave Namaha - I bow to the teacher of all worlds.
  90. Om Sarvamrtiprada Namaha - I bow to the giver of eternal life.
  91. Om Sarvadevasvayamprabhaya Namaha - I bow to the self-manifested Lord of all gods.
  92. Om Sarvagamaparayana Namaha - I bow to the supreme goal of all.
  93. Om Sarvasaubhagyadayakaya Namaha - I bow to the giver of all auspiciousness.
  94. Om Sarvalokottamaya Namaha - I bow to the best of all worlds.
  95. Om Sarvamantrasvarupaya Namaha - I bow to the embodiment of all mantras.
  96. Om Sarvarogapravrttaya Namaha - I bow to the healer of all diseases.
  97. Om Sarvapujyaya Namaha - I bow to the one worthy of all worship.
  98. Om Sarvalokapranayakaya Namaha - I bow to the beloved of all worlds.
  99. Om Sarvajnapriyaya Namaha - I bow to the one who loves all commands.
  100. Om Sarvadevastutaya Namaha - I bow to the one praised by all gods.
  101. Om Sarvaraksa-karo Namaha - I bow to the protector of all.
  102. Om Sarvasastrapravartinam Namaha - I bow to the promoter of all sciences.
  103. Om Sarvajnapravaraya Namaha - I bow to the foremost of all commands.
  104. Om Sarvamudgara-kara Namaha - I bow to the one who uplifts all.
  105. Om Sarvayajvaya Namaha - I bow to the performer of all sacrifices.
  106. Om Sarvadevatmane Namaha - I bow to the soul of all gods.
  107. Om Sarvadipaya Namaha - I bow to the light of all.
  108. Om Sarvabhutaya Namaha - I bow to the Lord of all beings.

The "Ganesha Ashtottara Shatnam" is a sacred Hindu chant comprising 108 names of Lord Ganesha, each with its unique meaning. Devotees recite these names to seek blessings and guidance from Lord Ganesha, the remover of obstacles, for success and the removal of difficulties in life.

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