Lord Krishna's Teachings - How to Focus on the Present Moment

In the Bhagavad Gita, Lord Krishna teaches Arjuna many important life lessons, one of the most important of which is to focus on the present moment. This advice was not only important for Arjuna on the battlefield, but it is also highly relevant for every person in today's time. Living in the present moment can be a wonderful solution to break free from the complexities, worries and stresses of modern life.

The Principle of Karma Yoga

Lord Krishna said in the Gita, "Karmanyewadhikaraste ma phaleshu kadacana" (Bhagavad Gita 2.47), which means that you have authority only over action, not over results. This is the most basic teaching of focusing on the present moment. If we keep worrying about future results, our attention gets diverted and we are not able to be fully present in the present moment. Krishna teaches that we should focus on our duties and stop worrying about the result, which keeps our mind steady.

Letting go of attachment

Lord Krishna repeatedly tells us that we must be free from attachment. Often we get lost in future aspirations or past regrets, which makes us lose focus on the present. The Lord says, “Naasakti” (Letting go of attachment) means that we should not be attached to any object, person or result. When we let go of attachment, our focus naturally becomes on the present moment.

Mind control

Lord Krishna says in the Gita, “Uddharedatmanatmanam” (Gita 6.5), meaning one must control one’s own mind. The most important thing to live in the present moment is to control our mind. The mind has a natural tendency to wander, and if it is not controlled, it will wander into the past and the future. Through the process of yoga and meditation, the Lord teaches us how to keep our mind steady and anchor it in the present moment.

Focus on the Breath

Another way to focus on the present moment is to focus on the breath. Lord Krishna emphasizes the importance of yoga and meditation. When we focus on our breath, our mind moves from the past and future to the present moment. By practicing yoga and meditation, we can calm our mind and anchor it in the present.

Follow your own Dharma

Another important teaching of Lord Krishna is, “Svadharme nidhanam shreyah” (Gita 3.35), which means that we should follow our dharma, our duties. When we focus on our duties and perform them with full devotion, our attention naturally focuses on the present moment. This frees us from worries about the past or insecurities about the future.

Detachment and Equanimity

Lord Krishna explains that happiness and sorrow, loss and gain, and success and failure should be viewed with an equal perspective. When we are free from these dualities, we can live in the present without any mental blocks. Lord Krishna says, “Samatvam yoga uchyate” (Gita 2.48), meaning equanimity is called yoga. When we maintain equanimity in any situation, we are fully present in the present moment.

Practice of knowledge and Meditation

Lord Krishna explains that the practice of knowledge and meditation is the most effective way to live in the present moment. Meditation connects us with our inner consciousness and frees us from distractions. Also, self-knowledge teaches us what is the true purpose of our life. When we understand this knowledge, our mind is focused on the present, away from the past and future.

Lord Krishna’s advice teaches us that living in the present moment is the greatest happiness and peace in life. When we focus on the present, not only does our life become more meaningful, but we also achieve mental peace and balance. We should be free from regrets of the past and worries of the future and enjoy the present moment to the fullest by following karmayoga, meditation, and swadharma. This is the teaching of Lord Krishna, which leads us to a balanced, peaceful and prosperous life.

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