Surya Dev Mantras should be chanted every morning

Surya Dev is an important deity worshiped in Hinduism. Sun God is also called Bhaskar. Other names for Surya in ancient Indian literature include Aditya, Arka, Bhanu, Savitra, Pushan, Ravi, Martand, Mitra, Bhaskara, Prabhakara, Kathiravan and Vivasvan.

According to Hindu religion, sunrise dispels the darkness of the world. In the same way, Sun God removes the darkness of ignorance in a person's life and imparts knowledge. That's why Sun is called the form of all knowledge. The world is always illuminated by the light of the Sun, so no incident of the world can be hidden from the Sun God. The Sun is called 'Sarvati Sakshi Bhootam'.

The Rigveda, the oldest Veda of Hinduism, mentions Surya with special reverence as the 'rising sun' and as a symbology of Surya as the dispeller of darkness, the bringer of knowledge, good and empowering all life.

Lord Sun God mantras should be chanted every morning. In this article we have mentioned some Surya Mantras.

1. Surya Mantra

Namah Suryaya Shantaya Sarvaroga Nivaarine
Ayu rarogya maisvairyam dehi devah jagatpate||

ādhitya hrudhāya puṇyaṃ sarva sathṛ vināsanaṃ
jayāvahaṃ jabe nityaṃ akṣayaṃ paramaṃ śivaṃ||

2. Surya Beej Mantra

Om Hraam Hreem Hraum Sah Suryay Namah||

3. Surya Gayatri Mantra

Om Bhaskaray Vidmahe Mahadutyathikaraya Dheemahi Tanah Surya Prachodayat||

Om Aadityay Vidhmahe Martanday Dheemahi Tanah: Surya: Prachodyat||

Om Sapt Turangay Vidhmahe Sahasra Kirnay Dheemahi Tanno Ravi Prachodyat||

4. Surya Vashikaran Mantra

Om Namoh Bhagawate Shree-Suryay Hreem Sahashtra Kiranay Aim
Atul-Bal-Paraakramay Nava – Graha – Dash – Dik – Paal – Lakṣhmi – Dev – Vay,
Dharma – Karma – Sahitayai ‘ Amuka’ Nathay Nathay,
Mohay Mohay, Akarshay Akarṣhay,
Daasanudaasam Kuru – Kuru, Vash Kuru – Kuru Swaha ||

5. Aditya Hridhayam Mantra

Aadhitya Hrudhaya Punyam Sarva Sathru Vinaasanam
Jayaavaham Jabe Nithyam Akshayam Paramam Shivam ||

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