Lord Vishnu - Saranagata Mantra

This mantra glorifies the various incarnations of Lord Vishnu and his deeds. He is addressed in different forms, such as Vasudeva, Rama, Narayana, and Krishna. Every line is full of reverence and devotion towards the Lord, and the devotee is pleading to seek refuge in Him. This mantra teaches us that peace of mind and liberation can be achieved only by surrendering to the Lord.

Om Shrivasudeva Putranabhaya Keshava Hare Sharanagatam Maam ||

Meaning: O Keshava! I have come to your refuge, who is the son of Vasudeva.

In this line, Lord Vishnu is referred to as “Vasudeva”, who is known as the son of Devaki and Vasudeva. Here, “Sharanaagatam Maam” means “I am in your refuge”.

Vaikunthanatha Dharanidhar Dharmapalaya Keshava Hare Sharanagatam Maam ||

Meaning: O Vaikunthanatha, the one who holds the earth and the protector of Dharma, I am in your refuge.

Here, Lord Vishnu is referred to as Vaikunthanatha, the Lord of Vaikuntha (the abode of God). He is the protector of the earth and the protector of Dharma.

Lakshmipate Kamallochana Karshare Varaha Vamana Janadanansuno || 

Meaning: O Lakshmipati, the one with lotus-like eyes, the enemy of demons, the one with Varaha and Vamana incarnations, I am in your refuge.

In this, the Lord is addressed as the husband of Lakshmi. He is the protector of the earth from demons in his various incarnations such as Varaha and Vamana.

Pitambaratu Hare Madhukaitabhare Keshav Hare Sharanagatam Maam ||

Meaning: O Pitambaradhaari, destroyer of Madhu and Kaitabha demons, I take refuge in you.
Lord Vishnu is known as the one wearing yellow clothes and he destroyed the demons called Madhu-Kaitabha.

Sri Ramchandra Raghunath Jagajjayi Rajivlochan Dhanudhar Ravanare ||

Meaning: O Shri Ramchandra, the lord of Raghukul, the world conqueror, the one with eyes like lotus, the bow bearer and the enemy of Ravana, I take refuge in you.
This line describes Lord Rama who is the destroyer of Ravana and the protector of Dharma.

Sitapate Raghupate Raghuveer Rama Keshav Hare Sharanagatam Maam ||

Meaning: O Sitapati, the lord of Raghukul, the mighty Rama, I take refuge in you.
This shows the devotion of the devotee towards Lord Rama, who is the husband of Sita and the hero of Raghuvansha.

Narayanabhay vibho bhavabrahmaash vedveda yantravitve keshav hare sharanaagatam maam ||

Meaning: O Narayana, the lord of all, the helper of Brahma and Shiva, and the knower of the Vedas, I take refuge in you.
In this, Narayana is worshipped as the preserver of the universe and the knower of the Vedas.

Gopipate yastapate navneetchaur vrindavanesh murlidhar pampane ||

Meaning: O lord of the gopis, the butter stealer, the ruler of Vrindavan, flute bearer, I take refuge in you.
Lord Krishna is described as the beloved of the gopis, the butter stealer and the flute player.

Govardhandhari randheer mukut shaure keshav hare sharanaagatam maam ||

Meaning: O lifter of Govardhan, Ranveer, the one with the crown, I take refuge in you.

This form of Lord Krishna symbolizes his bravery in lifting the Govardhan mountain and protecting the devotees.

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