Budha Panchavimshati Nama Stotram

Budhō bud'dhimatāṁ śrēṣṭhō bud'dhidātā dhanapradaḥ.
Priyaṅgukulikāśyāmaḥ kañjanētrō manōharaḥ. 1.

Grahōpamō rauhinēyaḥ nakṣatrē dayākaraḥ.
Kāryakartāhantā saumyō bud'dhivivardhanaḥ.2.

Candrātmajō viṣṇurūpī jñānī jñānō jñānināyakaḥ.
Grahpīḍ'̔āharō dāputradhān'yapaśupradaḥ.3.

Lōkapriyaḥ saumyamūrtiḥ guṇadō guṇavatsalaḥ.
Pañcavinśatināmāni budhasyatāni ya paṭhēt.4.

Smr̥tvā budhaṁ sadā tasya pīḍā sarvā vinaśyati.
Taddinē vā pāṭhēdyastu labhatē sa manōgatam.5.

The Budha Panchavimshatinama Stotram is recited with devotion by individuals seeking blessings related to education, speech, and overall well-being. It is a significant part of Hindu astrology and spirituality, serving as a means to appease Lord Budha and mitigate any negative influences associated with this celestial body.

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EN हिं