Goga ji Famous Mantra - Om Namo Jahar Veeraya

This mantra is chanted to invoke the blessings and protection of Goga Ji, seeking his divine presence and assistance in times of need. It's a simple yet powerful mantra that reflects reverence and devotion towards Goga Ji.

Om Namo Jahar Veeraya, Gogaji Maharajaya.
Meaning : Om, I bow to the courageous warrior, Gogaji Maharaja.

This mantra is a form of salutation and devotion to Goga Ji, recognizing his valor and honoring his status as a revered deity. It seeks his blessings, protection, and guidance in various aspects of life. The use of "Om" at the beginning of the mantra signifies a universal sound that connects with the divine energy. The mantra is recited to invoke Goga Ji's presence and seek his grace.

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