This verse is from the Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 6, Verse 40. It is written in Sanskrit and translates to English as follows:
śhrī bhagavān uvācha
pārtha naiveha nāmutra vināśhas tasya vidyate
na hi kalyāṇa-kṛit kaśhchid durgatiṁ tāta gachchhati || 40 ||
"O Partha! A person who walks on the spiritual path is neither destroyed in this world nor in the next. O dear friend! One who strives for the realization of God is never defeated by evil."
Explanation in detail:
The meaning of this verse is that Lord Krishna assures Arjuna that spiritual effort is never wasted. The effort made for God-realization is fruitful not only in the present life but also in the next births. A person who performs auspicious deeds and walks on the path of righteousness always remains in the grace of God and does not fall prey to evil or downfall.
Shribhagwan - Lord Shri Krishna.
Uvaach – spoke.
Partha - Arjun (son of Kunti, whose other name is Partha).
Na - not.
Eve - Definitely.
Ih – in this world (in the physical world).
Na - not.
Amutra – In the next world (after death).
vināśhas - Destruction, destruction.
Tasya – his.
Vidyate - happens.
Na - not.
hi - definitely.
Kalyankrit - one who does good, one who does good deeds.
Kashchitta – anyone.
Durgatim - bad progress, downfall.
Tat – Beloved (Address to Arjuna).
Gachchati – receives.