Bhagavad Gita Chapter 6, Verse 28

This verse is from the Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 6, Verse 28. It is written in Sanskrit and translates to English as follows:

yuñjann evaṁ sadātmānaṁ yogī vigata-kalmaṣhaḥ
sukhena brahma-sansparśham atyantaṁ sukham aśhnute || 28 ||

English translation:

"The yogi who always keeps his mind engaged in yoga and who is sinless, through the practice of yoga, easily approaches Brahman and thus attains supreme bliss."

In this verse, Shri Krishna has explained the power of Yoga. He has said that the Sadhak who controls his mind and establishes a connection with Brahman through meditation, rises above the pleasures and sorrows of this world and attains the state of supreme bliss. This shloka teaches us that through the practice of meditation and yoga, we can experience peace and happiness in our lives.

Sanskrit word Meaning in English:

Yunjan - Connecting, situated in meditation, practicing yoga.
And - like this.
Sadatmanam – Always situated in the soul.
Yogi – One who practices yoga.
Vigatakalmashah – Sinless, free from faults.
Sukhen – easily, happily.
Brahmasamsparsham – Contact with Brahma.
atyantam - extremely, extremely.
Sukham – Happiness, joy.
Ashnute – Receives.

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EN हिं