Bhagavad Gita Chapter 6, Verse 29

This verse is from the Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 6, Verse 29. It is written in Sanskrit and translates to English as follows:

sarva-bhūta-stham ātmānaṁ sarva-bhūtāni chātmani
īkṣhate yoga-yuktātmā sarvatra sama-darśhanaḥ​ || 29 ||

English translation:

"The meaning of this verse of Gita is that a person situated in yoga sees God in all living beings and sees all living beings in God. For a person with a yogic soul, vision is equal everywhere."

In this verse, Shri Krishna has explained the path of attaining salvation through Yoga. It talks about experiencing the unity of the soul and the divine. This means that when a seeker starts seeing the unity within himself and in the outside world, he goes beyond any discrimination. He understands that The same God exists in all beings and all beings exist in the same God. In such a state, the Yogi looks at everything with equanimity and does not consider anyone to be separate.

Sanskrit word Meaning in English:

sarva-bhūta-stham - situated in all living beings
ātmānaṁ – soul or God
sarva-bhūtāni – all beings
Ch:- and
ātmani – in the soul
īkṣhate – sees, experiences
Yogayuktatma: - The soul which is associated with Yoga or which is stable in Yoga
Sarvatra:- everywhere, at all places
Samadharshan:- Equal vision, feeling of equality in all.

Chapter 6

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