This verse is from the Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 6, Verse 41. It is written in Sanskrit and translates to English as follows:
prāpya puṇya-kṛitāṁ lokān uṣhitvā śhāśhvatīḥ samāḥ
śhuchīnāṁ śhrīmatāṁ gehe yoga-bhraṣhṭo ’bhijāyate || 41 ||
"Those who fail in yoga practice attain the realms of those who perform pious deeds and live there happily for a long time. Thereafter, they are reborn in pious and prosperous families."
Explanation in detail:
In this verse, Lord Krishna is explaining that the efforts of those who do not succeed completely in yoga (spiritual practice) are not wasted. They get the opportunity to enjoy pleasures in heaven or other higher realms as a result of their good deeds. Thereafter, they are reborn in a family that is pure, holy, and prosperous so that they can carry forward their incomplete yoga practice of their previous life.
prāpya - by getting
Punyakritam - of those who perform virtuous deeds
Lokan - to the worlds
Ushitva - to reside, to live
śhāśhvatīḥ samāḥ - for a long time, for eternity
śhuchīnāṁ - of the holy ones
śhrīmatāṁ - of rich, prosperous families
gehe - in the house
yoga-bhraṣhṭo - a person unsuccessful in yoga (spiritual practice)
bhijāyate - takes rebirth, takes birth