Vaishakh is a month of Hindu calendar which falls in the months of April and May. In the Indian national calendar, Vaishakh is the second month of the year. All full moon day is considered auspicious among Hindus. Vaishakh Purnima is the second full moon in the year according to the Hindu lunar calendar. On the day of Baisakhi Purnima, the sage should bathe in the Holy Rivers. Donate sattu, sweets, clothes etc. When Krishna's childhood classmate Sudama Dwarka went to meet him, he told him the law of the true Vinayaka fast. Due to the effect of this fast, all the poorness of Sudama kept going and he became very blessed.
People worship Lord Satyanarayana, an extremely merciful form of Lord Vishnu, and observe Satyanarayana fast on the full moon day.